Chapter Twenty

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Jungkook opens his eyes as he lowers the hulusi. The instrument that Seokjin gifted him. "What am I doing?" he speaks to the sky. What is he doing? He just approached Seokjin to get revenge. That's all it was but now he's not sure if all his actions are driven by pure revenge. "What am I thinking?" Jungkook goes back to playing the hulusi. His emotions reflect through the instrument with no filter. With no lies.

Time passes and Jungkook's objective forgets itself. He forgets as he takes Seokjin out every night to the marketplace. Forgets whenever they talk and he gets to hear Seokjin's mellifluous voice. Gets to hear his laugh that no matter the content will make Jungkook laugh as well. His sweet smile that no other holds.

Jungkook has a small smile on his face as he makes his way to the main palace. There's a celebration tonight and Seokjin's attending. He arrives and weaves through all the nobles, searching for Jin.

He enters the main room and is confused when he sees that people are dancing. His eyes scan the room and he spots Seokjin's backside. "Jin," he calls as he gets closer. His smile widens, glad to have found Seokjin but it disappears when he turns around.

Seokjin's eyes are shiny and wet with unspilled tears. The sight clouds Jungkook's eyes, creasing his forehead. He hasn't seen Seokjin with a tear since they first met. "Jin, why are you..." he looks behind Seokjin at the dance floor. Jimin with Taehyung.

Seokjin already left. Jungkook looks away from the couple as his old wounds start to open. "Jin," he calls as he follows Seokjin out. He picks up his speed, "Jin." Seokjin keeps walking and the first thing that comes to Jungkook's mind is to take his hand which he does. Then he leads Seokjin away from the crowd. A place with just them.

Jungkook stops and looks around to make sure no one is around before turning back to Seokjin. It pains him as he sees Seokjin's lifeless eyes staring at the ground. "Jin, look at me," he urges softly. He doesn't. Tentatively, Jungkook tilts his chin up.

His eyes are still full of tears. Jungkook closes his eyes, remembering all the times he shed tears over Jimin. He takes a breath before opening his eyes. "Don't," he meets Seokjin's eyes. "Don't shed a tear over him, Seokjin."

'He doesn't deserve your tears,' Jungkook's thoughts continue.

Seokjin looks away from him. "How could I not?" He bites his lip. "Am I that unloveable?"

"Of course not," Jungkook words straight away. "He's just blind," his voice is meek.

'He's blind for not seeing you,' Jungkook thinks. 'How could he not see someone so beautiful?'

"Don't cry over him. Don't beat yourself up. Don't blame yourself, Jin."

'Don't be like me," his thoughts whisper.


"I'll go, Your Majesty."

"You will?" The King looks surprised by this.

"Yes," Jungkook continues. "General Sohn and his men are trained to protect the royal family and the palace. Therefore, they should stay. I'll lead my men to Gorchik."

"Your Royal Highness," General Sohn starts. "Your men are young and they haven't trained for as long as my men. If my troop goes, Gorchik's army may not even reach the kingdom."

"But if your troop gets overpowered and Gorchik makes it to our doorstep, who'll protect the King then?" Jungkook reasons. "My men are young but they are skilled. I'll have us test the waters first to not risk many lives."

General Sohn is about to object but the King speaks first. "We'll have Jungkook's troop head to Gorchik first."


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