Chapter Ten

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Seokjin's clothes are a dark royal blue with little white flowers decorating them. Being newly made, the clothes felt just right on Seokjin's skin. Smooth and silky. As Hyeon fixes the clothing on him, Seokjin pulls up his left sleeve.

The koi fish is gone. Only living in Seokjin's memory now. Seokjin lets the sleeve drop back to covering his arm. "Hyeon," he starts.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness," Hyeon replies, still making sure there was no wrinkle in Seokjin's outfit.

"Will everyone be attending this celebration?" Seokjin wonders.

"Of course, Your Royal Highness. It's to celebrate the Kims' rule of a hundred years," Hyeon tells Seokjin with big eyes.

"That does call for a big occasion," Seokjin says. He wonders if Jungkook is going to attend. It must be mandatory for him since he is part of the royal family. Seokjin chuckles. But since when did Jungkook ever listen to the King?

"What is it, Your Royal Highness?" Hyeon questions, noticing his chuckling.

"Nothing, I was just thinking of something," Seokjin tells her. Shortly after, Seokjin finishes dressing, he heads for the main palace. Servants are rushing back and forth, preparing for one of the biggest celebrations of the year. They bow as Seokjin walks pass.

It's noon and the event doesn't start until the afternoon but as a prince, being on time is being late. Seokjin arrives at the main palace which is bustling with servants. He's the only royal so far.

"Your Royal Highness," the head maid greets Seokjin with a bow. "Would you like us to bring you some refreshments while you wait?"

"No need," Seokjin declines. "Is there a task I can help with while I wait?" The head maid's eyes enlarge as so does Hyeon's.

"Your Royal Highness," Hyeon starts. "Mayhaps it's best if you don't. Look around," Hyeon glances around at the rushing servants. "It's chaotic in here."

"Thereupon, I want to help," Seokjin tells Hyeon with a smile. "May I, Head Maid Park?"


"This one looks good," Seokjin tells the servant who takes the plate away. "So does this one," Seokjin says to the next plate. When he asked to help, he thought of helping set up the decorations or cooking.

But the job he got was to make sure the food was plated nicely and prettily. An important job, Seokjin knows but he feels a little down by the fact that they won't let him do anything that consists of actually working and using his hands.

He forgot that this was the life of a royal, remembering the last time he helped out which was in the village that he and Jungkook stayed at. "Hyeon, I'm going out for some air. Stay here and help them. I won't be long," Seokjin tells Hyeon.

He weaves around the bustling servants and steps outside, into the main courtyard. Seokjin sits down on the bench underneath the tree's shade. He reaches inside his robes, producing two pendants tied together. He runs his thumb over the shiny pendant with the tiger lily, "I wonder if I'm going to see you today, Jeon."

Five days have passed since he and Jungkook both saw each other here. Seokjin wonders what he's been doing. 'He must be attending his studies a lot these days,' Seokjin guesses, recalling Jungkook's conversation with his servant. He puts the pendants safely back in his robe, heading inside.

"You're early, Prince Seokjin," Prince Taehyung smiles at him.

Seokjin bows, "As you, Your Royal Highness." He smiles as he raises his head, "How have you been?" Seokjin lost count of the last time they saw each other.

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