Chapter Twenty-One

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The rain takes away their sturdy ground but no one stops fighting. Jungkook pulls out another arrow, aiming at one of the opposing commanders. His vision is blurred by the rain but his aim is still precise and accurate, hitting the commander.

Jungkook doesn't let his eyes stay on the corpse, reaching for another arrow. He aims for another commander. Letting go of the arrow, he's thankful for the rain which blurs the faces of the people whose lives he's taking away.

Jungkook reaches for another arrow but none touches his fingers, only the empty bag. An arrow flies towards him, causing Noir to panic. Jungkook slashes the arrow in half with his sword, shushing the horse.

He retreats further away from Gorchik's soldiers, going to the wagons to refill his bag of arrows when he spots Juyeon, bleeding on the ground. "Juyeon!" he yells, getting off of Noir. He runs towards him, helping him up to a sitting position.

"Juyeon!" he tries again, shaking him.

Juyeon's eyelids open slightly. "Your Highness, I-I'm sorry. I failed you..." he squints up at Jungkook, struggling to keep his eyes open.

Jungkook's brows furrow and he looks around for the military nurses. "Nurse!" he yells. The rain makes it hard to see or hear anyone. He's about to try again when he feels a slight tug on his shirt. He looks down with rain pouring down his face.

"Your Highness," Juyeon starts weakly. "Please tell Minyeong-"

"Stop!" Jungkook declines. "You can tell her yourself. You're going to see her again," he conceals the shake in his voice. Frantically, he searches for the nurses. Dreading it when he spots none.

"Your Highness," Juyeon attempts again, voice weaker now. "Tell Minyeong I love her and that I'm sorry I never fulfilled my promise."

"Juyeon..." Jungkook looks back down at his soldier as hope's presence drifts further away.

"Please, Your Highness," Juyeon begs.

"You'll be fine," Jungkook licks his dry lips despite the rain. He lifts Juyeon, searching for one of their tents.

"Please...Please tell her..." Juyeon continues mumbling as Jungkook carries him to one of the tents. The distance is far and the ground is muddy but Jungkook doesn't stop.

They reach the tent and mud drips from Jungkook's ankle but he doesn't care. He sets Juyeon down. "There should be nurses around. I'll go find them," he turns around but Juyeon pulls his hand back, stopping him.

"Promise me, Your Highness," Juyeon mumbles, barely conscious.

Jungkook doesn't want to because Juyeon will be okay. He'll be able to see his love again. If he promises, then he accepts the fact that Juyeon's at death's door. But if he doesn't promise, Juyeon won't let him go get the nurses. "I promised," Jungkook manages at last. Only then does Juyeon let his hand go.

Jungkook runs out of the tent and the rain eagerly beats down on him again. He runs around, calling for the nurses.

When he finally finds one, he's so relieved. Quickly, they rush back to where Juyeon is. Jungkook feels himself holding his breath as the nurse picks up his wrist, feeling for a pulse. The nurse shakes his head.


Jungkook walks around the camp, checking the damage the rain's done but most importantly, checking on his soldiers. He counts more injured than he did yesterday. He tries not to think too much about it as he doesn't find some familiar faces.

Not being able to handle it, Jungkook goes into his tent. He runs a hand through his damp hair. The war's consequences were starting to weigh on him.

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