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AN: I'm back!! 🤗 I know it's been a while since I've updated and I'm very sorry about that! (Is it safe for  me to even show my face??👀) I had to purchase another keyboard to type on, and I've been very busy lately. I write new chapters as I go, so I didn't have any prewritten chapters to upload. I'm very excited to start updating again and recently I've been gaining more views and votes. I personally want to thank everyone who took a chance on my story and voting. Your views, comments, and votes encourage me to keep writing and they're very appreciated. Since I write as I go, any ideas or thoughts are welcome. I would love to hear what you guys would like to see in this story. I have plenty of ideas already, but open to any new ideas. I'm very proud of how far this story has come so far. It's up to 12k views and I can't wait for the numbers to climb higher. Every time I get a notification about a new vote, or that someone has added my story to a reading list, I get so excited. I'm grateful for all of you and I can't wait to see how much this story continues to grow. Also, I don't know exactly how many chapters this story will have, but my plan is to make this a long story. I try to base it off of real events while adding my own fictional spin to it. I don't have a definite updating schedule, but I'll update as soon as I finish a chapter.

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