Chapter 24

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It's now Monday afternoon, and of course, I'm back at the office working. I'm really falling back in love with working in the office setting, so it's gonna be extremely hard for me to let this go when the WWE schedule picks back up. It's just something about getting to play with these kids and connecting with teens and young adults that I just can't get enough of.

After talking with Luke, we decided to do all of the little ones' appointments today after the office closed. I know it'll be a lot tryna to do 4 checkups in one day, but we're all just ready to get them all out of the way.  The twins should be mostly caught up on their shots, but I know Liyah and Trey are not. It's definitely gonna get hectic, but Galina is coming to be an extra set of hands.

Joe is just gonna bring all the kids once the office closes, and we'll probably have Joelle sit in Ashton's office with him, just because I know this is still a triggering environment for her. Hopefully, it'll go as smoothly as possible, with minimal crying because I know when one starts to cry, it'll have a domino effect on the rest. 

I think Joe is at home trying to prepare the kids for what's to come, so they won't be in shock when they get here. 

Today has honestly been kinda slow. I haven't had too many patients, just a few newborn checkups and some elderly patients needed refills on their meds. I've spent the majority of the day charting and taking virtual consults from the Performance Center, of course still being asked when I plan to come back. I plan to return around the same time Joe will, still not planning to  work full-time at the PC, knowing that some of the wrestlers and staff weren't taking the pandemic as seriously as they should be. I miss my friends of course, but I can't risk bringing anything back home, knowing we have little ones there.

"Hey, you told Joe to bring the kids around 6 right?" Luke asks as he sticks his head in my office.

"Yeah, at closing time like we said."

"Okay well, I just checked the schedule and today's kinda slow. I'll have the last patient of the day and they're coming at 5, so he can honestly bring them earlier." He shrugs.

"Perfect I'll text and let him know." I relay the message to my boyfriend and he responds letting me know that's fine and that he'll update his ex-wife as well.

I finish up my workday and slowly, but surely 5:15 arrives, when Makayla walks into my office. "Your husband and the kids are here." She smirks.

I just roll my eyes and laugh as I head to the waiting room to see all the kids, Joe and G sitting in the chairs, all wearing masks. "Hey y'all" I smile as I pull my mask down, since it was just us. The little ones all bombard me with hugs, me being grateful that I didn't have too much patient contact today because normally I wouldn't touch them with my scrubs on. 

"Y'all gone be good today?" I look at the four of them. "Because if so, we have some surprises for y'all, but y'all gotta be good." They all nod at the mention of a surprise. "Alright Makayla should be coming to take vitals and then we'll get them in the room. Luke is finishing up with his last patient, so he shouldn't be long either. I'll just bring the forms you two will need to fill out for the twins in the room with us." I look at the two adults. "And lastly, Jojo I figured this would be a little too much for you boo, so you can go sit with Ash in his office if you like?" I offer.

"Yea babygirl, I think you should go sit with him because this may be overwhelming for you." Joe looks at her. 

"Umm okay. How long will it be?" She looks up hesitantly.  

"About an hour give or take. I recommended his office because he has cooler furniture than I do plus he'll be some good company. And, you can leave the door open if it makes you more comfortable. If you need us, you can come get us at any time." I promise.

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