Chapter 2

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(AN: there is smut at the end of this chapter, but I will give a warning before it starts. If you do read it, sorry if it sucks because it's my first time.)

Joe's POV

We walk upstairs and see the boys in their room playing with toys and we walk to Jojo's room to see her laying down with a sad expression on her face. She's just laying there scrolling on her phone.

"What's up Babygirl?" She is acting very weird lately and I want to know what's wrong.

"Nothing Daddy, I'm just tired." She shrugs

"I know I don't see you guys that often because of work, but you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

"Yeah, it's just I- never mind"

"No don't do that, sweetheart talk to me. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong."

"I'm just tired of being inside all of the time and I love you, mom, and the twins, but I miss my friends." She looks down.

"Baby I know it's not fun staying inside, but we have to stay safe. We don't want anyone to get sick and you especially, since you have asthma. We don't know exactly what's going on but, it can be very serious if you get infected. We don't want to have to take a trip to the hospital because you are sick, yeah?"

"I know, but I'm just tired of being stuck inside and there is really nothing to do." I feel bad for my baby, I mean she is the only girl and being with her hyper little brothers all the time can get old. But, I have to put her health first.

Jazmine chimes in, "Well Jojo you know, me and you can girl-time sometimes because I know boys are lame." They both laugh then.

"Hey boys aren't lame, we are pretty cool, matter of fact."

"Sure Joe, keep telling your self that."

"Yeah daddy, all you guys do is watch sports, play video games, and go outside."

"Uhh that's not true, we do many other things."

"Ok daddy whatever you say." Jojo rolls her eyes, giggles

"You know what" I reach over and tackle her to the bed and start tickling her. She is squirming and giggling all over her bed.

"Daddy stop!! I can't breathe," she laughs.

"I will if you say boys are the best," I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Never!!" She laughs

"Well then I'll just keep going" I shrug and pounce back on her till I feel Jazmine on my back trying to pull me off.

"I'll save you Jojo!!" 

I sling Jazmine over my shoulder onto the bed and start tickling her too. "You sure about that Jazmine?" Then both her and Jojo jump on me. "Ok, ok I'll stop." They get off of me laughing.

"We make a pretty good team Jojo." Jazmine smiles and high fives Jo.

"I agree," Jojo replies, smiling

"Well Joe, we're tired now and going to get water. So peace out." They both walk downstairs, leaving me alone in Jojo's room. I smile when I realize that my two favorite girls are going to get along great.
We are all downstairs on the in the living room watching Black Panther, the boys are laying down on the floor, Jojo is on one couch, and me and Jaz are laying together on the other one.

The movie ends and Jaz sits up and stretches. "So what do you guys want for dinner?"

The kids all yell "Pizza!!"

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