Chapter 4

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Jazmine's POV
"So wait, Jo baby, why didn't you tell me this?" We had caught Galina up to speed and Joe had a better understanding at this point.

"Galina I know right now that you are hurt and confused, but you and Joe have to remember that she is just a child. Ok, this man threatened her and she was scared. And Joelle," she looked up at me because she was sitting beside me since she was scared. "Sweetheart, that was never supposed to happen and doctors can't FORCE you to do anything. Our main goal is not to hurt you, it's to help you." She nods.

"Babygirl look at me." She turns to Joe. "Neither I or your mother would EVER let anyone hurt you and take you away from us, but you have to let us know this about these kinda things. If you would have just not told us, we wouldn't have thought anything was wrong, and this might have kept happening or something worse could happen."

She nods, "Ok."

"Ok now that we got that out of the way, Joelle, honey did he put anything inside of you? Where exactly did he touch? I know its hard to talk about this, but this is important." The doctor in me was coming out and I had to make sure he didn't cause any permanent damage to her.

"No he didn't, he just kept touching me on my private and telling me to relax, but I couldn't. I didn't like it and he wouldn't stop." I can tell she is getting worked up again, so I rub her back to try and help her calm back down.

"Shh, I know pretty girl, we all believe you." As I said that, I see Joe's jaw clenched very tightly and his hands are turning white from how hard he is gripping the couch. I motion for him to go cool down because we don't need him scaring Jojo anymore that she is now.

Once Jojo is calm I say, "It's late, how about you go take a shower and get ready for bed?" She nods and catches me off guard when she hugs me. I hug her back and smile as she walks upstairs. As soon as she is upstairs I look at Galina and she looks so hurt.

"Galina, I know what you are thinking, but stop blaming yourself. You couldn't have ever known that was gonna happen." She starts to tear up. "No, no, hey look at me. Ok don't do this to yourself, you are an amazing mother and I know your kids adore you. You take care of these kids, while Joe is on the road all alone. You do the best you can, and unfortunately sometimes things like this happen to the best of us."

"I just don't know how I let this happen to my baby Jaz. I should have went back in that room, or-or stayed in the first place. I'll never be able to forgive myself for this."

I get up and hug her, "Look Jojo doesn't blame you for this, and neither should you. You did what you thought was best for your daughter. It's very sad that this happened, but there is nothing we can do now, but be there for her while she heals." She nods at me.

"Thank you Jaz, you didn't have to do this at all. You could have not cared about me or my kids. They aren't your responsibility. You-" I cut her off

"Girl hush, ok those are you and Joe's kids and when I decided to become his girlfriend I knew he had kids. I already adore those kids and would do anything for them. Now, they might not have been around me for that long, but I already see them as my children also. I don't mean to overstep my boundaries here, but I treat them as my own and see them as mine too. And as far as you and me, we don't have no issues. I wouldn't mind if we actually became friends. So of course, I'm going to be here for you and Jojo right now."

"Thank you so much Jazmine"

"Don't even mention it girl."

Joe's POV
As Joelle is explaining what happened, I found myself growing more and more upset, so I just walk to the office at this point.

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