Three- Alone

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May 13th, 1943

We started to walk down the street, taking in the sights of Brooklyn while we talked. 

"Steve is going to take care of something, but I'll walk you home," Bucky said, giving me a slight glance. 

I frowned slightly, wondering what steve had to do that was so important. I knew this would've been the last night I got to see him. It was a little sad I wouldn't be able to talk to him until he came home, and with most soldiers, that wasn't the case. "Oh alright, Well, thank you, Bucky."

He flashed me his signature grin, "No problem, doll, lead the way." I walked in the direction of my and Peggy's apartment. A lingering silence fell in between us. It was calm as we listened to the sounds of cars passing and mothers yelling for their children to come inside for bed. The cool night air was feeling crisp against my almost bare shoulders. I eyed Bucky's jacket but wouldn't let myself ask. I was with his best friend. It would send the wrong message. 

Bucky chuckled under his breath as I turned my head to meet his blue eyes. "So, how's life in color?" I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard what he said. We both knew what had happened when we laid eyes on each other, but we were too shocked to say anything about it, or at least I was. "I beg your pardon?" I exclaimed, running a bit to catch up with Bucky as he kept walking when I stopped. "You heard me y/n. How's life in color?" he repeated. I didn't answer. I tried to as I mumbled a few things that wouldn't be considered legible words. 

"You know we both saw color when we met." He looked back at me to meet my flustered gaze. I pondered what to say, knowing I didn't want to lose Steve. But the person you see color with is the person you are meant to be with. That's how it's always been, and how it always will be. Peggy told me ghost stories about women and men who would deny color as a child. They would find someone else, ignoring their soulmate. Then for a reason no one could ever understand, their heart just stopped. It gave out. Like it was tired from the heartbreak they were putting it through, so it just stopped. 

"Please don't tell Steve. I know he's not my soulmate, but he doesn't deserve to get hurt...Not yet." He smiled, slowly taking his jacket off. Probably seeing me shiver from the cold. "I won't, I promise." 

I smiled back as he slipped his jacket over my shoulders, leaving my arms under it like a blanket. "Thank you, Buck. I promise I'll tell him, just maybe when you both get back."He nodded, slipping his hand softly into mine. "No rush y/n, we have our whole lives, even if we just met two days ago." My stomach fluttered. I hadn't even known him, like he said, over two days ago, but the way he made me feel safe and enough. I just loved it. "Well, this is me." I stopped in front of an ornate iron door, pointing up at the building. 

"Thank you for letting me walk you home." He slipped his hand out of mine, holding onto my forearm for a moment before bringing his hand down to his side. "Anytime, sarge." I paused, "Hey can you promise me something?" I asked. "What's that?" He questioned me back in a flirty tone. 

"Watch my sisters back out there, please? I really don't want someone showing up at my doorstep to tell me she died being stubborn because she wouldn't let someone else finish the job." I lowered my head, chuckling as I brought it back up, "She's always the hero. But, unfortunately, sometimes she needs someone else to save her instead of her saving them."

"Promise y/n, You got nothing to worry about." He promised. My lips curved up into a small smile as I slipped his jacket off, handing it back to him without a wrinkle. "Wish I could let you keep it, but it's, unfortunately, a part of the uniform." He grinned, motioning to his Army attire. "Thank you again. Well, goodnight." I started to walk through the door when I turned back. He was still standing there, straightening out his uniform. "I don't know when I'll see you again so, Be careful."

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