eighteen- revenge

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The quinjet flew stealthily through the air, crossing over foreign territories quietly. We all sat in the back going over the plan. 

We'll be there in about six hours. Get comfortable folks." Natasha said, steering the plane. 

"So what kind of mission are we talking about here?" I look to Natasha as Bucky attempted to braid my hair. "I just put in the coordinates, ask Rogers."

I looked at Steve. 

"We're taking down a Hydra base near the northern border of Russia."

I could hear Bucky scoff beside me, "So you decided to bring two Russian assassins that can still be controlled by them?" The two eyed each other. I could see the glares basically radiating throughout the room. I knew Bucky had been mad at Steve for what he kept from me but they were best friends. I shouldn't be getting in between them. 

"We trust you." Steve assured us, "That you won't hurt anyone."

"Plus you two know more about these bases than we do." Tony chimed in. 

I tilted my head, looking at the billionaire, "You want me to point you in the right direction of their torture rooms?" Everyone's head snapped to me, "Cause I can do that."

"Or do you want to take a tour of our cryo chambers?"

"It's a great opportunity to relive things," I smirked, leaning into Bucky slightly as he pulled me by my waist.

"Okay, enough." Steve ordered, "You heard Fury. The only way you two don't go to prison is if you help out on missions."

I sighed, "Just stating facts, Steve."

A long silence fell over the jet. That was until Peter spoke up, "Wait can we really see the cryo chambers?"

Tony shook his head, "No, kid. They were-"

"Yes, I would very much like to see these beds of ice." Loki smiled, raising his hand. 

"No, kid." Stark looked down to Parker, "You're staying in the jet unless we really need you."

"Stark, would you stop babying the boy." Yelena looked back from her seat as co-pilot. Which had almost ensued an argument between the two. "I'm not babying him!" Tony argued, only for Pietro to disagree. "That's exactly what you're doing." The billionaire rolled his eyes, making me and Bucky smile at the confrontation.

Six hours later and Nat altered everyone we were finally landing. The two sisters steered so we had to walk a mile to get to the base. It was the one Bucky and I had been trained and kept it. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I couldn't stop the feeling of dread consuming me. 

Bucky pulled out the rack to grab a rifle as I shoved a knife in my thigh holster. Accompanying the gun on my other one. 

"So what's the plan?" Nat asked, readying her widow bites. 

"We get in. Get the files. Arrest who we can, then move out. SHIELD will pick them up after." We all nodded. 

I felt nervous. This would be the first time since we had escaped having anything to do with HYDRA. I wanted to stay. Not just to hide but to avoid the inevitability of facing my past. I would see it all. The rooms where I was made to fight Bucky. Where I interrogated men who had "wronged" them. Where I killed people who had a family. 

As if he could sense my anxiety, Bucky placed a hand on my waist, making me look at him. "Hey," He whispered, pulling us as far from the group as he could. "It's okay. I'm gonna be right beside you." I nodded, nuzzling my hand into his palm he had rested on my cheek. "I know. I trust you." 

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