twenty-eight- test

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I awoke, feeling a hard surface instead of my soft bed. A machine hum replaced the usual sound of Sam and Bucky arguing and the shouts from Tony that Loki had pulled another prank. Something wasn't right. I forced my eyes open, a bright light drumming down on me and making my head thump in pain. "Fuck." I muttered, pulling myself up to sit against the wall. There was a glass door separating me from the outside. However, by the looks of it, it was stronger than average glass. 

I looked around, taking in all the aspects of the cell. A dim purple light was cast around the walls. There was a circled window on the side of the cell, allowing sight into the next one. A single bed was placed by it, and only a small, likely unsupportive mattress was laid there.
"Oh, yeah," I scoffed, yelling at the flashing red camera in the corner of the cell, "Drugging someone is a great way to make a first impression!"

"I wouldn't say first impression." Rumlow stepped out from the shadows. I leaned on the wall beside the glass, smirking as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Huh, Rumlow?"

He stood still, watching me with a creepy smile. 

"I thought I killed you."

"You should really double-check next time." He bobbed his head, walking closer to the cell. I kept my footing, not showing him an ounce of fear. I wasn't scared. Well, not much. There were still the memories from HYDRA flooding my brain but I couldn't let that get to me, not now. 

"Oh, I will." I reciprocated his smile. 

"I won't be the one you need to worry about." Rumlow shook his head. 

"Oh, really?" Both of my arms fell to my sides, fists clenched. "How about you let me out and we can decide that."

Rumlow looked to the ground, nodding as he pressed a button, the glass sliding open before me. He started to walk about until he looked back, still holding the door open. "Good luck, winter's bitch."

I groaned, "If one more person calls me that, I swear-"

Rumlow closed the door behind him, making me scoff. "Yeah, not like we were having a conversation or anything."

I sat down on one of the empty cots, dropping my head in my hands. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream and punch my way out. All I was hoping was that Bucky was okay. That they didn't take him along with me. I couldn't stand him being in this place again. Them prolonging his torment more than the past seventy years. 

I had been hurt too. I had been tortured, abused, even felt up by some of the guards over the years but Bucky...He always saved me. This time it was my turn to save him. 

Suddenly water rushed up from the vents above, making me jump at the ice-cool temperature. "Shit." I cursed, tucking my feet up so my chin rested on my knees. But it kept rising, and it wasn't going away. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

I stood up as if the two feet high bed would help me escape from the rising waters. "What?!" I shouted at the camera still recording. "Is this supposed to be funny?!"

But no one answered, no one was coming. 

My body floated in the water, the black catsuit feeling like a vice on my body. "Fuck.." My head was nearing the ceiling and I could no longer see the floor. 

Taking a large gulp of air, I ducked under the water, looking around for something that could help me escape. I saw the exit door on one side as I quickly swam over, my muscles working surprisingly well in the freezing water. I tried to pull it open, yanking and tugging on the metal handlebar with all my strength.  

I turned around, seeing a mirror on the far sidewall. Pushing off the door with my legs, I made it to the mirror, looking at where it ended. Just what I thought, a two-way mirror. 

Alright Yn, you can do this. I thought, reeling my fist back as I landed a punch on the glass. My air supply was running out. It was harder to stay conscious and it felt like my brain was being squeezed from the inside. I let out a whimper, punching the glass as hard as I could. 

I was drowning, and there was no one here to save me. What if this glass wasn't a two-way mirror. What if I took the obvious escape without thinking of another way. What if HYDRA really wanted me to use brunt force, like I'm doing what they trained me to do. 

I started to give up. My vision was blacking out but all I could think about was Bucky. We had survived life in HYDRA. Even before in the '40s. 

I'm gonna die here. I thought, starting to let my strength simmer. I'm gonna die here and Bucky won't know what happened. I know what will happen to me, I'll be left in some graveyard with an unknown headstone. Or even worse, chopped into pieces and sold on the black market. 

I shook the thoughts from my head. No, I won't let Bucky down. I'm getting back to him even if I have to take HYDRA down with me. 

Landing one final punch the glass cracked, the whole mirror caving in as the water pushed me into the other side. I fell to the ground, my head hitting the floor as glass shattered around me. Gasping, I took in a large breath of air, seeing a scientist in the corner of the room looking at his watch. 

I backed away, coughing out water as he wrote something down on a clipboard. "Who the hell are you?" I questioned, holding my hand to my chest as if it would relieve the burning sensation. 

"Fifty-four seconds." He spoke, making me even more confused. "What are you talking about?"

"It took you fifty-four seconds to escape." He answered. 

"And?" I stood, regaining my footing. 

"It's a new record. Even lower than Natalia Romanova."

"Look." I gulped, "I don't know who you are or where I am but..." I looked past him, seeing a door. "If you don't let me out, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Save your energy Agent 37." I internally cringed at the name HYDRA had given me so long ago. "It's time for the next test.."


24 hours before- at the Avenger's tower

"Where the hell are you Sharon?!" Buck shouted, making everyone look at the blonde he was searching for. 

"Oh, this will be much more interesting than TikTok dances," Loki smirked, making Tony roll his eyes. 

"Buck." Steve pressed a hand on his friend's chest, "Calm down." 

"I will not calm down!" Bucky boomed, everyone, looking at him in suspense of what he would say or do next. 

"This should be good," Yelena mumbled, taking a swig of her beer. 

"You're girlfriend hit me in the head with a lead pipe!!" Bucky continued, making Sam nod, silently agreeing. 

Steve shook his head, "She's not my girlfriend."

Everyone could see Sharon's disappointment as she stayed quiet, listening to the argument. 

"I don't think that is exactly the point Mr. Bird boy.." Vision interrupted, making everyone's eyes go to him. "Where did you learn that phrase?" Wanda asked, pointing at Vision. 

"I'm not supposed to tell you it was Mr. Laufeyson." All attention went to Loki. His eyebrows raised, "Don't look at me!" He pointed to Sharon, "She's the one who hit someone with a pipe."

The blonde groaned, "Look, I'm sorry I knocked you out but we needed to get you to the jet."

Bucky ignored her. "Where's Yn?"

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