twenty-two- mission

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"So, Peter." I smiled, walking into the lounge kitchen, bucky by my side. "How was your date?" 

He nodded, taking another bite of his cereal, "It was good." He looked up, "I kissed her." 

Bucky and Sam smirked, nodding their heads in sync. Loki held up one finger, "I'm not sure my wording is correct."

We all looked at him in suspense, never knowing what would come out of his mouth next. "But did you quote, 'tap that?"

All our mouths hung open, having been around Peter enough to know what it meant. Tony shook his head, walking over to get a drink. At nine in the morning. 

"Oh. no, that's..." I trailed off, laughing with Bucky. Wanda stopped eating, lifting her hand as a spoon hit Loki in the back of the head. Peter closed his eyes in embarrassment, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. 

"Well, I've just been hearing this phrase used on something called wattpad-"

"Peter what did I tell you about teaching Loki teenager stuff!" Tony shouted, cutting the raven-haired god off. 

"And Wattpad of all things." Vision shook his head, making all of our attention go to him. 

"How do you know what Wattpad is?" Steve questioned, all of our heads snapping to him. "How do you?" I laughed. Bucky and I had been in cryo for years yes. But after the months of being on the run, you learn a few things. Especially when you have a burner phone and nothing to do for months on end. 

"How do you know what it is, doll?" Bucky looked over, smirking. I laughed, stuttering, "I uhm. I don't." Shaking my head, as if expelling the memory from my mind, I turned back to the group "Anyways...Tony." His attention shot up to me. 

"You said we had a mission this morning?"

He nodded, "Yeah. Fury is sending you, Barnes, Rogers, and Belova on a recon mission in Siberia."

Yelena looked over as if she hadn't been paying attention. Which I confirmed as I looked at her making her shake her head. "What's the mission?" Bucky asked, breaking the silence. 

"Go collect data from an old base. Something about the year 1991."

Bucky's head instantly shot to me. I knew what he was thinking. It was in the back of my head, shrouded and covered by memories. But I knew. 

"1991?" I questioned, failing to hide the way my voice broke. 

"I'm not sure what Fury's on about but he said it's information no one else needs to see."

"And why us?" Bucky asked, his voice getting smaller as I placed my hand on his leg. My attempt failed as he squeezed my thigh harder. 

"Well, you two are experts on HYDRA. As is Yelena." Her head shot up again. I held in a laugh. She never pays attention. "Plus Steve is Captain so he's going nonetheless."

I nodded, gulping down the lump in my throat, "When do we leave?"

"Now." Tony answered, "For two days. So, go suit up."

We all stood up, going back to get ready as Yelena piped up, "Wait, what are we doing?" Tony rolled his eyes, taking a deep breath. 

"I'm going to be honest. I haven't been listening this whole time."

"Shocker." Nat smiled, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. 

Steve pointed to the blonde, "You need to start listening in meetings."

Yelena kept a stoic expression as she stepped closer to Steve, "Are we in the meeting room?" His brows furrowed, "Well no-"

"Are we surrounded by agents?"

Steve shook his head, "No."

"Is there a bald man with a pirate look-alike cosplay at the front of the room?" I stifled a laugh, as did Wanda and Nat. 

"No. But Yele-"

"Then we aren't in a meeting." She smiled, making her final point as Steve was left without words. "See you at the jet in 20 captain asshat."

She walked from the room, yet turned back. "And stay off Wattpad, Rogers!!"

Steve turned to her, "How do you-"

"I'm a trained spy." Her eyebrows wiggled up and down, "I know everything."

His eyes squinted as if he was thinking. Then all of a sudden went wide. "Don't you dare say anything!!" He chased behind her as she laughed loudly, through the compound and into the residential elevator. Of course, Stark had to have three elevators. 

We were all left flabbergasted as Loki turned to Nat. "Not everything though....right?"

Nat shrugged, "As she said. We're trained spies."

"Okay," I spoke up, "Let's go."

Bucky nodded, "Anything to get out of this conversation." Laughing, I pulled him away until Tony spoke again.

"Oh, I forgot. There's one more person joining you." We looked back. "Who?" 

A blonde woman walked out from the main elevator and into the lounge, "That would be me."

"And who are you?" I asked, seeing the familiarity in her face. 

"Sharon." She smiled, "Sharon Carter."


An: Sorry for the infrequent updates!! Life is crazy rn and I'm currently on vacation. I might get a chapter in within the next few days but I want to relax on the beach and read a book without having to post for a little bit. I hope you guys understand!!

Again, thank you for reading, and don't forget to comment and vote!!

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