twenty-four- bunker

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We walked through the empty halls. I followed behind Bucky as Yelena was behind Sharon. All our guns were raised. The Bunker hadn't been used much. Just by lone Agents awaiting pickup or long-range missions. To say it was dirty was an understatement. I guess this place didn't have a renovation like the rest of Tony's lab locations. 

Walking into the elevator, the different floors were lit up. 

Mechanical Level, Medical & Security Level, Residential Level, and Food Containment. 

"Well, you could really live down here for years." I broke the silence, leaning into Bucky slightly. Yelena nodded. "Nat and I lived here for two after escaping the red room." I felt my mind twist in pain as memories flooded. Shaking the anguish away, the elevator beeped, opening onto the residential floor. 

Walking out and through the halls, they were covered in dust as the poles were rusted. "Oh, how..disgusting." I grimaced, moving away from the wall. "The residential level is down here." Yelena turned a corner, leading us to another door. She swiped a card, making the door open to a furnished lounge. 

There was a couple of couches, sat around a large TV screen. A complete kitchen with assorted glasses was lit up by white LED lights. Plus, a long hallway which I guessed went to the bedrooms. 

"This looks like Tony picked out all the furniture," Steve commented, placing down his go-bag. Bucky nodded, "Speaking of Tony. Does anyone else know exactly why we're here?"

"I don't even think he does," Yelena said, opening the fridge to pull out a bottle of vodka. 

"Who cares?" Sharon chimed in, "We get in. We get the intel and get out like we were told to do." I laughed, pointing to the blonde. "There's no way I'm related to this bitch." She scoffed, "You know what-"

"OKAY!" Steve shouted, "Pick your rooms."

"Where are they?" Sharon questioned. Yelena gestured her head, walking down the hallway. 

"Y/n, Bucky. This is yours." She opened the door to a small bedroom. Only one double bed was placed in the middle of the wall. A nightstand on the side and a lamp in the corner. "One bed?" I questioned turning to Yelena. She shrugged, causing Bucky to smirk. "I think we can handle that, doll." I laughed, melting into his embrace as he snaked his arms around my waist. 

"Mine is across the hall." Yelena pointed to the door across ours, "So I don't want to hear moaning at two in the morning, alright?"

"Yelena!!" I shouted, burying my face in Bucky's chest. 

Steve looked down at the bottle in Yelena's hand. "You're already drinking? We just got here.."

She took a deep breath, downing another gulp. "You're already being annoying? We just got here.."

Sharon rolled her eyes, leaning against the wall, "Stop being mean, Yelena."

"Stop being fake, Sharon." She snapped back, opening the door to her room rather aggressively. "You guys are intolerable." Bucky groaned, leaning his chin on my shoulder as my back rested against his chest. 

Sharon walked away, going back to the lounge area. 

"Where'd Steve go?" I questioned, looking to where he once was. "Probably left to go read more Wattpad books." Yelena snarked, taking another drink from her bottle. 

"Hey, Wattpad has some good books." Bucky reasoned, making me turn my head to look at him. "Nice try. You don't even know how to work your phone."

Yelena chuckled, "Goodnight, see you in the morning."

Bucky leaned down, kissing my neck. I laughed, jumping up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Goodnight!!"

bucky walked us through the door, shutting it with his foot. I felt my back hit the soft comforter as his body rested between my legs. Pulling away he looked down at me. The dim light of the lamp cast a shadow on his face. Yet his bright blue eyes still stood out in the darkness. 

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