Five- rescue mission

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"Come on!! We have to go now!" Steve shouted as we ran through the rain to the main tent on base. Peggy held a coat over her head as I attempted to shield my eyes with my arms. Finally, we came to a stop as steve marched up to the colonel. "Colonel Phillips!" He boomed rather arrogantly. 

"Well, isn't it the star-spangled man with a plan? Now, what is your plan today?" he shoots back. Awfully amused with steves outfit. 

"Huh?" I whispered to Peggy, wondering about the nickname the colonel had given him. "I'll explain later." She whispered back as we brought out attention to Steve. 

"About the rescue mission for the 107th-" He was cut off as Phillips stood up, interrupting him. "That's no longer happening." He stated, pulling some papers together. Anger rose in me as I stood in front of steve, "What the- Why not?!" I yelled, frankly not caring about the possible consequences of yelling at a man with such high ranks. He turned to face Peggy as he pointed his finger, "You and I are going to have a talk later that you won't enjoy." She put her head down as she wrapped her hand around me, pulling me back to stand next to her. 

"That rescue mission is no longer a go because they all happen to be behind enemy lines." He explained, pulling his attention to writing those insensitive condolence letters I always hated. 

I scoffed, again stepping in front of steve, "You're not even going to try?!" I shouted.  "I lost one hundred and fifty men from 'even trying to go up against them. I'm not losing anymore, Ms.Carter." 

I could feel the tension in the air. Peggy closed her eyes in despair, knowing we wouldn't be able to save their men. And the fact she pulled me out here for no reason seemed to stick with her. 

The colonel stepped up, handing a handful of letters to a standby soldier. "So if you want to fight him, be my guest-" He paused, "But let me know where to send the condolence letter before you go." 

Steve threw his hands up in frustration, "There must be something we can do!"

Yeah, it's called winning the war, son."

Peggy's shoulders raised as she breathed deeply in anger. I felt like there was no hope for Bucky. I hadn't known him long, but the time I had, he was like a light in my life. 

"I intend to win with my best friend by my side, sir."

"As I said, be my guest."

Colonel Phillips strutted away as steve took a long hard look at the European map hung up on the board. 

I huffed as I gripped Steve's arm to spin him around, "So that's it? We're going to leave bucky there?!"

"No, the hell was not. Were going to get him." I watched him push past me as Peggy lifted her head to gaze at the map.

"Whatever the hell you two are planning, now would be the time to keep it to yourselves," Phillips said, keeping his head down as he pointed in our direction. Peggy panned her head to glance at him before I ran after Steve. "Come on, Peggs."

We rushed into the tent we saw Steve go into. He stood, quickly stuffing supplies and other essentials into a pack. 

"What, Steve? You are going to walk to Austria?" I asked rhetorically, expecting him to say no and that he had another reckless plan. But, instead, Peggy sat her jacket down, coming to stand by me. "If that's what I take, then yes, I will." 

For once, I agree with my sister. You'll get killed. Or worse, caught. 

"I'm sorry, Peggs, I can't leave him." He shouted back, throwing the pack over his shoulder and running back out of the tent. "Steve!!" She yelled as we both trailed him. 

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