twenty- birthday

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warning: this chapter contains smut. 

Music thumped in my ears as crowds of people danced around us. It was Pietro and Wanda's birthday party. I knew this was the exact opposite of what Wanda wanted but we learned Stark is never one to turn a party. Especially when he has a reason. 

"So Tony throws parties a lot?" I questioned, taking a sip of the drink Nat had fixed me. Rhodey nodded, "Yeah it's like a weekly thing."

Stark scoffed, "Don't lie." He leaned in, whispering, "It's not that often."

My brows furrowed as I thought back, "Didn't we have one three days ago for mine and Bucky's arrival?"

Tony rolled his eyes, "I like parties, okay? Drink," He held up his glass, "And have fun." 

I took a big gulp, finishing the drink. It's not like I could get drunk. "Well, I'm not going to say no to that."

"Yn!!" I heard my name being called as Wanda came up behind me, tackling me in a hug. I usually didn't like to be hugged. By anyone than Bucky of course. But Wanda had this loving atmosphere to her. She was warm and loving. She reminded me of Peggy when we were kids. I knew she could never replace her. But the few days we had been here she already felt like a sister. 

"Wanda! Happy Birthday!" She pulled away, smiling. "Thank you. I'm not excited about being 20." She grimaced, making me laugh. 

"Well just wait till you're in your hundreds." She laughed, yelping as Pietro pulled her away for something. 

"Hey, doll." Bucky grasped me by my waist, setting both our drinks down on the nearby table, "Come dance with me."

I smirked, "Aye-Aye, Sargent."

Wrapping my arms around his neck, flashing lights filled my vision as the inside of the tower lit up in a neon rave. We move our bodies together, not caring about who we were probably carelessly crashing into in the process. Bucky wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up in the air as he twirled both of us around. I laughed, throwing my head back. 

"I LOVE YOU!!" He shouted over the music, making me smile as I pecked his lips. "I LOVE YOU!!"


"So cap, you don't seem too happy about Yn dating the cyborg..." Sam looked to Steve as they both walked up the stairs to the upper level of the lounge. Steve glanced over, giving Sam a look. 

"Don't give me that look. I see the way you look at her." The two stopped at the railing, looking down over the crowd of bodies dancing. 

"I loved her, Sam," Steve said, turning his head. 

"Then why'd you tell her different, man?" 

"I don't know."

Sam turned to Steve, taking a drink of his whiskey, "You just have to talk to her about it." Sam pointed at the captain, "But don't fuck anything up. They deserve each other."

Steve looked down processing what Sam had said to him. That was until Sam broke the silence, "Man, What the hell is the kid and Loki doing?"

The pair looked down to Peter in his full spiderman costume, grabbing the microphone on stage. "Ladies and gentleman..." The crowd stopped, turning to him as the room went silent. "And God's and possible aliens." Everyone looked around, not knowing what he was talking about. "I would like to introduce my friend, the demi-god, insect man, and the birthday siblings!!" He gestured as Loki jumped on stage, dancing to the music. The raven-haired god clapped, singing to the music as Scott danced back and forth. 

Yn laughed, holding onto Bucky as he wrapped his arm around her waist. 

Scott and Loki continued to dance, holding up their glasses to Wanda and Pietro. The twins smiled, waving at the huge crowd who most of them didn't even know. "Happy Birthday Wanda and Pietro!!" Loki shouted, throwing his glass onto the ground, shattering it. "Another!!"

"Another!!" Thor did the same, throwing his glass down. Yn and Bucky smiled, seeing the strange tradition from the Asgardians. Peter was about to throw a glass when Stark gave him a glare, making him turn back to the mic. "Well, that was...amazing." 

"That was the most shit thing I've ever seen." Sylvie looked up to Loki. 

Peter held two thumbs up, dancing on the stage. 

"Yelena!" Stark yelled, making her turn. "Stop giving alcohol to Peter!"

"He's 18." She pointed to the boy, shrugging. 

"In America, you can't drink until your 21." Natasha leaned in, whispering. Yelena made a grimacing face, "That's just stupid." The two sisters smiled, clinking their shots as they quickly downed them both. 

Tony walked up to Thor and Loki, "And you two! Stop breaking my expensive glasses!"

"Don't buy easy-to-break glassware." Loki shrugged, picking up another drink from a passing waiter. 

Thor looked around, "Where did Mr. Barnes and Lady Yn go?"


I followed Bucky as he pulled me out of the elevator and onto our floor. I straddled his lap, feeling his hands squeezing my ass as I ground into him. "Won't Wanda and Pietro notice we're gone?"

Bucky breathed heavily, bringing his hand up to my throat as his fingers rested on my pulse. "I don't care."

Within seconds his lips were on mine. Devouring and impatient. I let out a moan as his hand kneaded my breast. I lowered my hands, unbuckling his pants as he slipped my jeans down. And with the jeans came off everything else. Bucky unclasped my bra, making my breasts fall in his face. 

"Fuck, doll. I need you now." He lifted his hips, dragging his boxers down as he positioned me over him. With a finger, he slipped my panties to the side, rubbing circles over my clit. I moaned gripping onto his shoulders as he sucked on my nipple. I gripped his cock, rubbing him up and down as he groaned into my mouth. Pulling back he cursed, feeling me stroking him up and down. 

I saw him hesitate, his fingers still moving painfully slow inside me. I nodded, knowing he was waiting for consent. Within seconds he had pulled me down, impaling me with his hard cock. I moaned, nuzzling my head into his neck. He kept his hips still. I could tell he wanted to move but this was only our second time. He didn't want to hurt me. 

"Fuck, Bucky. Please move."

He did, guiding my hips down as he thrust up. I moaned, my nails making crescent shapes in the skin of his neck. His hands were everywhere. My hips. My breasts. My back. My throat. I felt him everywhere as he fucked up into me. 

"Oh god. Fuck, Yn" Bucky groaned, bringing my face in his hands as we both looked into each other's eyes. I held onto his shoulders, opening my legs wider as he pounded into me ruthlessly. "Cum for me, doll. Come on fucking-"

And like that my orgasm came rushing over me as Bucky moaned, both of us finishing together. I panted, collapsing onto Bucky as he kept himself buried inside me. 

"Fuck. I love you, Yn."

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