twenty-six- left behind

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The building collapsed around us, making a large piece of rubble fall on my shoulder. I winced, pushing it off and running to find Bucky before the building settled on top of me. I could hear the static from my comm, Steve had Yelena and Bucky was looking for me. Yet when the small technology started to radiate a piercing screech, I grabbed it, discarding it to the ground. 

"Bucky?!" I shouted, running through the rubble. "Bucky, where are you..." I trailed off, watching as a swarm of helicopters scanned the area. I hid behind a large piece of a fallen wall, taking out my gun in case. Most of them passed by quickly yet when one hovered, I saw the logo.


"Fuck." I cursed under my breath, "Bucky where are you?"


"I can't find Yn!!" Bucky shouted, making Steve look around as if he could find her. He held on tighter to Yelena, checking her pulse every once in a while. "Sharon? Do you copy?"

The two boys heard a gunshot go off before they turned, seeing the blonde shoot a hydra agent that had been about to attack the three. "All good here."

"I need to find Yn!!" Bucky yelled once again, starting to walk off until Steve shouted his name. "Bucky we cant. Look." They both looked over to see a large number of searchlights most likely looking for them. 

The two ducked, Steve, making sure he didn't hurt Yelena more in the process. Bucky shook his head, "I don't care. I need to make sure she's okay."

Steve shook his head, "I understand you want to save her but what if they take you back and she's perfectly fine?" Bucky's jaw clenched at the thought of being back at HYDRA. "You won't be much help if Winter comes out again." The brunette stayed quiet, not wanting to counteract considering how much of an asshole Steve was being at the moment. 

"Let's go." The blonde gestured away, seeing agents scour the area, armed. "We have company." Bucky shook his head, lifting his gun and shooting ten agents dead, bullets right between their eyes, within a second. "I'm not leaving her again. Not after last time." Steve was about to object when Bucky interrupted, "I will not let you make me leave her again."

"We don't have a choice!" Steve shouted, pulling Yelena tighter in his grasp, "Get to the jet!"

"I won't leave her." Bucky attempted to walk away until a blinding pain shot through the back of his skull. Sharon dropped the iron pole, seeing him fall unconscious, "I'm sorry, Sargent Barnes."

She dragged him by his arms, obviously not having thought it all the wall through, "I got Barnes!"

"Good!" Steve shouted, "Get to the jet."


All I could feel was pain. My head throbbed and my body ached like I had been asleep for a hundred years. Well, again. 

"Oh, what the hell." I lifted my hand to feel my forehead, only to see crimson blood painting my fingers. "That can't be good," I mumbled, attempting to get up but was held back by restraints. 

"Welcome back Agent 37." Truing to look for the unknown voice, I raised my head, yet only saw a blurry figure as my vision hazed over. The restraints suddenly fell from my body as two agents manhandled me in front of the unknown person. After a couple of seconds everything was back in focus, and the man I knew as Dreykov, was standing in front of me. 

"Or is it Yn Carter now?"


A/N: I will be introducing a new character in a future chapter soon. I want this book, even though it is based on my TikTok series, to be a little different. I think my TikTok series was a little rushed considering I just wanted to get it done, so this one will have a few little twists. 

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to leave comments and vote!!

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