thirty-one- tests

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Throbbing filled my head as bight light envaded my vision. Groaning, I could feel the cold metal under my back, serving as a bed. Pulling myself up with as much strength as I could muster, I winced from the florecent lights worsening my already straining migraine. 

"Morning, sleepyhead." 

My head snapped around, seeing the infamous Black Widow standing beside the glass cell, arms crossed over her chest. "Am I supposed to know who you are?" I questioned, playing dumb as I stood shakily and leaned against the metal bench. 

"You were sent to kill us," The widow took a deep breath, placing her palms on her knees as she sat down in the metal foldable chair. "So I'd think so..."

I stayed silent, testing her nerves a little more with each second my glare deepend. She believd she could break me with a look. I had heard stories of the Widow that escaped even the strongest grips of Dreykov. But thankfully I had been doing this longer..somehow feeling longer after each mission. 

"What's your name?" 

I kept my mouth shut, as did she. Yet only her eyes spoke more words than her voice could vocalize. Questions she had unasnwered lingered in her green iris's. 

"Alright, where are you from?" She tried again, only to fail as I stayed quiet. "Okay." The redhead mumbled, "Let's try a more interesting question."

"You can try anything you want." I smirked, pressing the button under my thigh holster that had been rid of its weapon. Idiots didn't even remove my suit before they put me in here. "I'm not talking."

The Widow stood, pressing her hands to her thighs as leverage, "Who says you need to?" She tilted her head, walking up to the cell once again, "I can sit here all day..or night."

"I'm sure you can Agent Romanoff..." My lips curved into a small smirk, "Or should I say, агент Romanova."

Her smile faltered for a second before turning cold once again, "So you do know our names..or at least mine."

"I was given the file." I nod, walking closer with each step. She said nothing, keeping eye contact until only glass was seperating us from a foot away. "Aren't you going to ask from who?"

"Why would I?" She shrugged, stepping almost impossibly closer, "I know you won't tell me."

"Smart. Good tactic." I bobbed my head up and down, "Well you seem to be getting no where so how about you send in the next person waiting to interrogate me." Her eyes squinted, listening. "I can't wait to watch you fail."

Without another word she pressed her earpeice, turning and backing down the steps, "Run the tests, we won't get anywhere with her." My brows furrowed at that, walking around the encased circle in a small step. 

"Send him in." 

"What tests?" I voiced, making her turn to look back at me. But I was sadly mistaken as she left, not speaking a word. 


"Romanoff said to run the tests." Fury entered the room, alerting the team. Bucky looked back down, his frown still apparent on his face as he fumbled with a picture. The same picture you and Bucky had taken the day he left for the war. You hadn't even noticed Peggy pulling you two into the frame until the bright flash of light stunned you for a moment. As Bucky rubbed his thumb over your smiling face he felt a whole in his heart stretching more and more that you didn't know who he was.

"She clearly isn't remembering, so do it Doctor." Bruce turned, eyeing Fury. Thor and Natasha walked in, listening in on the conversation. "Already done." Bruce nodded, "We're just waiting on the results that will pop up over there." Fury turned to a side screen, looking at the progress that was now at forty percent. 

"Well this isn't good." Tony perked up, pointing to the screen infront of him. 

"Have we found out anything else?" Steve questioned, making Bucky's head snap over in his direction. "Shut the hell up, Rogers." Everyone's eyes met the man who barely talked, let alone against his best friend. "Excuse me?" Steve titled his head, slightly bewildered. 

"You heard me." Bucky nodded, "My girlfriend doesn't even remember me." He sat up a little straighter, leaning his elbows on the top of his thighs. "Not like you would care after everything you put her through."

"And what have I done?" Steve asked, hands resting on his belt. 

Bruce gestured toward the door, "Maybe we should-"

"Nope," Yelena interrupted, shaking her head, "This could get interesting."

"I remember, Steve." Bucky bobbed his head up and down, "I remember how you cheated on her, with her own sister."

"You knew about that?" Steve questioned, making Bucky scoff in return. 

"I was right." Yelena smirked, glaring at Steve. 

"I remember you leaving her, without even saying goodbye." Bucky stood, Steve backing up slightly. The team had different reactions yet the most common one being shock. Their precious Captain wasn't so pure after all. "But I guess I should thank you." The soldier nodded, walking closeer to Steve. "Becuase of your neglect towards her, I gained the most important person in my life." 

Steve scoffed, "I didn't have a choice Buck-"

"But mostly I remember you forcing me to leave her behind when she fell into that fire." Steve  averted his eyes, not wanting to see the hatred from the man he called his bestfriend. "And got taken by HYDRA." Bucky finished. 

All eyes went to Steve, watching as he found the floor a little too interesting. Tony nodded, "So your not so high and mighty as we thought you were Rogers."

Steve scoffed, shaking his head. "None of you even know half of the-"

"Wanna know what I think, Steve?" Bucky interrupted, tilting his head at the blonde super soldier. "Enlighten me..Buck."

"I think you wish it would've been Peggy instead of Y/n." The team stayed silent, listening. "Because then she would be here right now." Bucky continued, "Even if she had to go through all the torture and agony Y/n endured. You still wish it was Peggy here, and Y/n dead in a grave."

Suddenly a fist flew through the air, the blonde landing his knuckles right into Bucky's jaw. The brunette fell to the ground, Loki instanlty jumping to help him gain balance. Yet the soldier stayed put, staring at the ceiling with an already bruising face. "So worth it."

Natasha pulled Steve back, ushering him to sit down and far away from Bucky. 

"So as I was saying.." Tony flipped around a monitor, "This confirmed it." Bruce aimed his screen to where everyone could see it, "The methods they used caused her limbic system to enamor into the back part of her brain, making the cells detatch from her thalamus." The team looked at the two, brows furrowed and eyes squinted. Completely and utterly confused.

Tony nodded, widening the results on his screen as he started to explain further, "We couldn't pinpoint a specific section of the frontol lobe that would've been severely dissocia-"

"Enlgish, Stark." Fury held up a hand, stopping the billionare mid-sentence. Tony groaned, rubbing his forehead with the back of his hand. 

"Let me explain it this way." Bruce continued, twisting the monitor so the whole team could see, as if it would make it easier to understand. "Her brain was so badly fried for the last sevety years that one more time overdid it."

Bucky looked up to the screen, looking at the full body scan Bruce had taken while you were unconcious. 

"Her brain.." Bruce shook his head, inwardly not wanting to disclose the dissapointing news of your tests. "Her brain cannot regenerate the old cells. And neither can we."

"So what does that mean?" Yelena questioned, grabbing a bottle of vodka from the cooler, "She will never remember us?"

"She won't remember." Bruce crossed his arms, shaking his head once again. "She'll have to start from scratch. That is if you get her to trust us first."

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