Four- recruited

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This is a LONG one so settle in and grab a snack. Things are getting good! If you are here from TikTok I just want to say some things are different from here and the series. Here it's more detailed and I've added dialogue I couldn't fit in a TikTok video. Enjoy, and thank you for reading!!

May 26th, 1943

I walked into the decent-sized apartment I was staying with Howard at. His money and wealth could afford a luxury living as many others, unfortunately, couldn't. Peggy convinced me to stay with him as she shipped off overseas. But, of course, that was only at night or when I needed food. I spent most of my time in my own apartment, painting or drawing. 

The time was just a quarter after nine as I stepped into Howard's apartment, swinging the door wide open with the spare key he gave me. I took my heels off, throwing my light scarf over the coat rack, placing my black hat on the top. 

When I finished dusting myself off from the grime of walking downtown New York, I strolled into my room to change. I peeled my blue flower printed dress off, throwing it into the laundry chute. Fresh clothes exchanged my blue floral dress for a black satin nighty, covered with a black satin robe to match. Braiding my hair into tight dutch braids as I pinned them back for the night. 

I could hear shuffling from the living room. Assuming It was Howard but decided to check anyhow. I slipped my feet into the slim houseshoes, opening my ornate doorknob to the living room. Howard stood up, acknowledging my presence. I smiled at him,  moving to the kitchen in the corner of the room. He had a stoic expression, different from his usual smirk. 

"Hey y/n, we need to talk." I could hear the hesitation in his voice as he walked over to me. I grabbed a glass, filling it with water from the tap. I got worried. Is Peggy okay? Is steve? My brows furrowed as I downed a sip from the glass. 

"What's wrong? Is it Peggy?" I asked, sitting my water down to listen. 

"Not uh- not exactly, but you have to trust me on this, alright?" I could see his hand buried in his pocket, moving around as if he was reaching for something. "Of course, I trust you. What's going on?"

He handed me a handwritten letter with the trademark letters "SSR" placed on an eagle. The letter read,

HYDRA took over one hundred and fifty men. We're outmatched. Our supplies have diminished, and we're running out of ammo.. Send help.

I quickly shot my head up to look at Howard. The stoic expression was now laced with guilt and regret. "Well, what's happening? Are we sending more men?"

His hand moved as he trekked toward me slowly. "We're going to need all the help we can get, and that means you too, y/n." 

"I'm not a soldier, Howard. Yes, I was trained in combat with Peggy since I was a child, but I'm no match for the men out there."

"Exactly. You trained your whole life with Peggy. You know how to fight and how to shoot a gun. Which is why you are a perfect candidate."

I started to back up. The air grew still around me. My heart thumped in my chest. I had known Howard was a part of experiments and other notions carried out by the SSR, but I knew he would never endanger my life for it. Or would he?

"A candidate for what Stark?" My voice was now filled with concern as he backed me into the kitchen counter, My hand instinctively gripping onto the hex tiled surface. 

I held one hand out in fear he would do something mindless. "I'm sorry." That was all he said. 

"Sorry for wha-" 

He pulled out a syringe filled to the brim with a blue substance. "Howard, what are you doing?!" I yelled. He stepped towards me slowly. 

"Again, I'm sorry."

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