thirty-four- dead

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A couple of days had passed and everything had gone back to normal. Bucky and I had spent some very steamy nights reuniting. Wanda and Natasha had taken me on a spa day. Stark setting up a whole level with a hot tub and three personal masseuses. Since we weren't allowed to leave the tower unless it was emergent. So the two redheads brought relaxation to us. 

"So Yn," I turned to look at Peter, still in his suit from doing his morning rounds, "Glad to be home?"

I looked around at everyone, seeing the way they all acted normal amongst the chaos. 

"I told you! I was not the one who put glue in your shampoo!!" Yelena yelled at her sister, who only scoffed in return. "Then who was it?!"

"A ghost." Yelena snapped back. 

"A ghost, really?"

"Yeah," She smiled, "Boo!" Natasha's face was dumbfounded ignoring her sister as she stomped from the room. 

"Maybe we can replace all the filling of Thor's pop tarts with mushed tomatoes." Loki's voice caught my attention as I zoned in on the conversation between him and Sylvie. "Or," She held her hand up, "We can replace the regular milk with buttermilk." Loki's brows went up as his chest erupted in laughter. 

"What's so funny?" The blonde questioned, making Loki laugh even harder. "I was imagining his face," The two walked off, giving each other a high five. "Let's do it." Wanda suspiciously sniffed her cereal. 

As I was about to reply to Peter, Tony walked into the room his face red with anger. "Peter!!" The teenager turned back with wide eyes. "Where are the web-shooters I made?!"

Peter's jaw went slack stuttering as he snuck back slowly, "I gotta go!!" His mask covered his face as he slung his hand out, swinging away. "Glad your back Yn!!" Peter's shout trailed off as I let out a laugh. "Son of a bitch!" Stark shouted, running after the kid. 

"So doll," Bucky plopped down on the couch beside me, "You happy to be home?"

I nodded, smiling, "I am. I really missed-"

"Yn." Steve interrupted, "I need you for a second."

"Oh," I stood walking over, "Sure."

"I just needed to talk to you about-"

"I've been needing to talk to you too." I lowered my voice as Steve's expression turned skeptical. Stepping slightly closer, I wrapped my cardigan tighter around my middle. "I know it's been 80 years." I nodded, "But you cheating on me..still hurts."

Steve shook his head, "Why would you think-"

"Because I saw it, Steve." I let out a breathless laugh, "Also, I'm not that stupid." Steve's eyes went wide, his mouth dropping open slightly. 

"When I came with Howard to save Bucky, I saw you and Peggy in your tent." I tried to keep my voice quiet, but unfortunate eyes watched as I confronted the soldier before me. 

Steve's jaw tightened, nodding softly as he looked down not meeting my eyes. I uncrossed my arms from my chest, raising my voice; not caring about who heard. "I should've broken up with you the minute I saw color." 

"And when was that, Yn?"

I looked over to Bucky, the memory of us at the bar instantly entering my mind. The brisk smell of beer. The light piano playing in the background.  

"The minute you introduced me to Bucky."

Steve turned his head in disgust, scoffing so loud that Wanda and Yelena turned their heads. Bucky took another sip of beer, as ready for this conversation as I was. 

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