Nine- Mission success

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I sat in the dark corner of the dining room, my eyes being shown through a sliver of moonlight shining into the house. Pierce opened the refrigerator, pulling the milk out when he saw me.

"какое у меня задание?" (What's my assignment?) I asked. He poured some milk into a glass, moving around the kitchen counter, "I don't speak Russian."

"Your the boss of a Russian-based organization, but you don't speak their language?"

"Never needed to." I hummed in acceptance, throwing my gun down on his kitchen table. "гребаный идиот" (Fucking Idiot)

"Why are you here?" He questioned, sitting in front of me. "Rumlow sent me. Said you needed me to complete something winter couldn't."

"Captain America." He stated, taking another sip. "That is the assignment?"

"I want his confirmed death within ten hours, agent."

"Why is it you want him dead so badly?" I asked, flipping my knife under the table. "Are you questioning orders, agent thirty-seven?"

"Just being curious, that's all."

"Being curious will get you killed."

I snickered, "So will being arrogant." His face deadpanned, staring at me in the darkness. "He will be dead within ten hours. I've never failed a mission."

"Good. Here's his location. Don't disappoint me, agent 37."

Standing up, shaking his hand, I walked out, hopping on my bike. Weaving in between traffic, making my way to Captain America's apartment. Throwing my helmet off, I parked my bike on the side of the building as I managed to climb up the fire escape. Luckily the window was open enough for me to shove it the rest of the way.

The apartment was small. Bookshelves with nicknacks and records littered the space. The kitchen was no bigger than my cell, only a few widows scattering the walls. I walked over to a shelf, seeing a picture frame. I placed my hand on the frame, picking it up so I could see better. I stood in the middle beside the same brunette woman I had seen in my head. Captain America stood next to her, and his arm swung over her shoulder. The soldier had me pressed tightly to his side, kissing my forehead. I could see his hand wrapped around my waist as we all held bright smiles, looking everywhere else but the camera.

"Who are you, and how did you get in?" I swung around, hearing his voice. My knife immediately flipped out while the picture was on my left. The same memories flashed through my head, all in black and white. "Why do I remember you?" I questioned, grasping my mask, releasing it from my ears, revealing my face.

He flipped the light switch beside him, looking me right in the eyes. The captain looked like he had seen a ghost, walking slowly towards me, shield in hand. My grip on my knife tightened, "I won't ask again. How do you know me?"

"I used to...Your dead," he mumbled, almost inaudibly. "I'm standing right here, so I'm obviously not dead." I could see tears brimming in his eyes, "How are you here right now?"

I looked down, holding the picture tighter in my hand, being careful not to break it with my strength. "I've been having these flashbacks...I see your face. I see the soldier, and I see a woman." I explained, ignoring his question. He stayed silent, staring at me.

"I see my life, But I cannot remember it."

"You died in world war two. I saw you fall." He said, leaning his shield against the wall. I took a deep breath, sitting the picture down. "Hydra sent me here to kill you tonight."

He stiffened, placing a finger on his shield in case I tried anything. "I can get you out. You just have to tell me what's going on."

"I have a kill switch," I rubbed my finger over the small bump in my thigh, "I don't come back, and they'll kill me." Then, I paused, "But I want to know one thing..."

He nodded, taking his hand off his shield, "Anything."

"What's my name?" I asked.

"Y/n.." He paused, walking closer, "Y/n Carter.."

I hummed in acceptance, "It's definitely better than Agent thirty-seven." Then, I mumbled, "I'm not going to kill you, but I'll tell you now...The man I fight with, Winter. He won't have a choice." I took my knife, bringing it to my forehead as I cut a gash right below my hairline. "You put up a hassle when I killed you." I shrugged. He stayed silent, watching me pick up an old record, "For proof." I walked over to the window, "See you, Captain." And like that, I jumped, flipping when I hit the ground, landing on my feet.

Hopping back on my bike, I was back at the base within a few minutes. The gate opened, an agent immediately grabbed my arm as he walked me to Pierce's office. Rumlow stood in the corner, Winter beside him. "Mission Report." He spoke, adjusting his glasses as he looked down at a file on his desk.

"In and out. No witnesses. Cause of death.." I paused, hoping my voice wouldn't betray me, "Cause of death, strangulation. Body dumped in the harbor. Everything left how it was."

Pierce hummed, looking up at me, "I see he put up a fight." he pointed to the gash on my head, "Yes, sir. Proof from his location." I handed the vinyl record to an agent who handed it to Pierce.

"Good job, Agent thirty-seven. You and Winter have a mission tomorrow." He waved his hand, Rumlow escorting Winter as another guard grabbed me, bringing us both back to our cold cells.

I was shoved in roughly, my chest smacking against the cold concrete. "Ow," I mumbled, turning around to face the guard still looking at me. My cell was next to winters'. The thick metal bar's separated us, but we could still interact and see each other. The soldier was thrown in, stopping the impact to the wall with his metal arm.

"You know the drill agent...Strip." After every mission, they made you take your gear off, supposedly washing it to be worn on the next mission. It was supposed to be a nice gesture, of course, until they left you in your underwear on the freezing ground...At least we weren't in Russia anymore. I nodded hesitantly, turning around. Zipping the back of my bodysuit down, I peeled it from my skin, slipping my boots off as I was left in only grey boyshorts and a black sports bra.

The agent had an evil smirk on his face when I handed him my clothes, "night-night, agent. get some sleep for the mission tomorrow." And like that, the door was slammed, leaving me in complete darkness as I felt around for the wall, sinking to the ground.

"Are you okay?" His voice was barely a squeak as my head snapped up, looking to him. A sliver of moonlight cast upon his stormy blue eyes, allowing me to see his face. "No. I'm not. Are you?" I asked, scooting closer to the metal bars, our shoulders touching. He took a deep breath, hardly flinching when I touched my hand to his. I didn't expect him to hold my hand back, and he didn't. So I placed my palm over his rough flesh. "I think I am now." He whispered, leaning his head against mine through the bars.

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