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Bucky stormed into the room, eyeing daggers at Pietro. "You knew where Y/n was and you didn't tell me?!"

"First of all, it didn't seem like she wanted to see you." The man defended making Bucky clench his jaw. "You know after you cheated on her and everything." With that, Bucky looked to the ground, grounding his teeth together in the process. 

"He knows what he did." Nat nodded, "Go on."

"Second, I don't know where she is." Pietro shook his head making Bucky look at him in confusion. "You just said-" "I only said I know where my sister is...who in turn knows where Y/n is."

"But no one has seen Wanda in months." Tony chimed in, pouring himself another drink. 

"I have." Pietro shrugged. 

"So where is she?" Steve questioned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Living on a farm with Vision." He answered.

Yelena chuckled causing everyone to look over at her. "So that's where the toaster has been all this time."

"I told you," Tony pointed at the blonde, "You break it, you replace it."

"I wasn't talking about that toaster." Tony rolled his eyes, focusing back in on what Pietro had to say. 

"Tell me where Wanda is right now," Bucky ordered, stepping up and into the twin's face. Pietro stood his ground, not backing down. "I don't know if I want to do that."

"And why not?!" Bucky shouted, his voice echoing throughout the entire room. 

"Because I don't want to see you hurt Y/n again." Bucky shook his head, keeping his eyes on Pietro's. "You won't." The younger boy stared at Bucky as if he didn't believe him. Prompting the brunette to lower his tone and lean in, "I want to fix this."

"Excuse me if I'm slightly skeptical." Pietro shrugged, looking off in the distance. 

"I love her," Bucky nodded, "I need to make things right." Steve looked back and forth, everyone watching in tow if Pietro would crack. So far he hadn't. 

"Give me a chance to do that, please," Bucky begged, making Pietro nod finally. "Alright." The soldier felt his heart rise at the possibility of getting the love of his life back. "As long as you don't screw this up even more."

"I won't" Bucky shook his head, "Where is she."

Pietro nodded to the elevator, "We'll take the quinjet."

"Yeah sure," Stark interjected, "Let's not even ask Stark even though that's who paid for it."

"Stop talking to yourself, Stark." Yelena chimed in making him walk away grumbling something into his drink. 


The jet flew through the air swiftly as Natasha and Yelena piloted. "We're fifteen minutes out," The redhead said, looking at the screen. "Would've been less if you let me be the main pilot." 

"I don't feel like crashing." Nat snarked, gesturing to the ground thousands of feet below. "Again."

Yelena looked over at her sister's mumble, "I did not crash!"

"That's right, you swiftly glided." Nat smirked, "Into the ground!" Yelena's mouth hung open as she tilted her head in silent agreeance. 

Bucky leaned forward, "So when we get there-"

Yelena reared her arm back, hitting Bucky right in the face with her elbow. He clutched his nose, groaning at the pain of blood dripping from his nostrils. "What the hell was that for?!"

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