fifteen - dinner

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We all sat around the large dining table, eating pizza. Apparently Tony said it was the perfect, "Welcoming food." 

I had never had pizza, same as Bucky. Everything was boiled in the '40s. Either soup or potatoes, nothing like today's food. I took the first bite of the cheese pizza, feeling it melt in my mouth. that was one thing I was certain of. The future definitely had better food. 

I glanced up, seeing Tony giving me a weird look. "Uh...." I placed the pizza down, "Why is he looking at me like that?"

"You just look like someone I know." He answered, taking another bite of pizza. 

"She really does." Nat butted in. 

"She's really pretty too!" Peter said, gaining everyone's attention towards him. Bucky's jaw clenched, visibly hostile towards the teenager. 

Wanda rolled her eyes, picking up another piece of fruit. 

"Oh!" Everyone looked at Yelena, "That picture in Steve's apartment!" 

Everyone nodded in agreement until I chimed in, "First of all! She, is right here." I pointed to myself, "And she can speak for herself."

Tony ignored me, looking over to Steve, "So capsicle, why do you have a picture of Miss Carter?"

"Possibly because we date in the '40s?" I said, placing my hand in Buckys. Wanda looked at me weirdly, leaning over. "Okay, I understand Bucky. But Steve? Did someone dare you? Hold a gun to your head?" I laughed, Wanda was like the best friend I never had and I only met her today. 

"It's not a picture of Y/n," Steve broke the silence. 

"Then who is it?" Bucky questioned. Steve shook his head, looking at the plate in front of him. 

"Wow, Steve. That porcelain is really interesting, huh?" Yelena snarked, causing him to lift his head. 

"Steve?" I muttered, feeling like there was something else to the conversation. 

"It's a picture of Peggy." 

He couldn't meet my eyes. I knew we had taken pictures together. Like the night we were all at the bar, a photographer took one, sending it in the mail a few days later. But one of just her? Was I not in the picture?

"Why do you have a photo of my sister?"

Steve looked down, "Now is not the best time to discuss this Y/n..."

"Why isn't it, Steve?" Bucky questioned, squeezing my hand. "You know why, Buck."

I ripped my hand from Bucky's, "What the hell is he talking about?!" Why did Bucky know about something I didn't? What hasn't he told me?"

"What don't I know, Steven?" 

"Oh my...." Loki exclaimed, making everyone look to him, "She pulled out the government name."

"Peter! Stop teaching Loki teenager shit!" Stark shouted at the kid. Peter lifted his hands up in innocence as Tony looked back to Steve. "Now, Steven is it?" Steve rolled his eyes. "Who is in the picture frame if it isn't little miss counterspy here?"

My eyes widened, "What did you just call m-"

"Y/n why don't we talk about this later, alright?"

"It's time she knew, Steve." I stood up, making the chair screech behind me, "KNEW WHA-"

"I LOVE HER!!" Steve shouted, making the room go silent. I had never heard him scream. Maybe raise his voice once when we were rescuing Bucky merely 70 years ago, but never really shout. I went silent. 

Natasha threw back another shot as did Yelena, avoiding the argument. Loki looked up from his specially made food. Apparently, he had dishes made from Asgard cookbooks. Midgard food was too, "fake and mealy."

Peter's jaw dropped as he looked over to Thor who had just taken another big drink of beer. 

I waited for a second, gaining the courage to speak. "You what?"

"My, my. he just spilled the tea." Stark groaned, looking back at Peter who quickly focused his attention on the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. 

"What did you say?" I questioned, digging my nails into my palm in anger. 

"I love Peggy. I've loved Peggy since 1943. We've been soulmates since 1943!!"

I stood still for a moment. taking in everything I had just heard. Steve. The Steve who I had loved. The Steve who my own sister introduced me to when she knew he was her soulmate. The Steve who kissed me, knowing why it wasn't working. 

Then it clicked. He wasn't talking past tense. "You said, love?"

"Yes, love! I never loved you Y/n!"

Everyone looked around the room, shocked. These people had only known us a few hours but they acted as if Steve had just insulted their best friend. 

"Steve...What color sweater am I wearing?" Yelena groaned, throwing back another shot, knowing what I was getting at. "Because everyone knows when your soulmate become color blind again.."

Steve looked down, silently answering my question. I waited for him to answer, seeing his jaw clench. He looked up, his eyes pleading with me. "Red."

"WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER?!" I was angry. No. I was fuming. I had been out of HYDRA's control for almost a year. Steve found us. He knew where we were yet he didn't decide to tell me my sister was still alive after all these years. 

"You won't want to see her Y/n.."

"ARE YOU KIDDING?! I thought she was dead!!"

Wanda looked down, placing a hand on my shoulder, attempting to calm me down. It only worked slightly as I kept my eyes on a guilty Steve, "If you don't tell me where she is, I will find out myself."

Steve shook his head, making me even angrier. "Fine, too long." I ran, grabbing the keys from the countertop, not caring who's car I was about to steal. Nat made an 'eh' face as I could hear Bucky shouting for me to come back. 

"Y/n! Doll, come back!"

But before he could run after me I was down the elevator, pressing the button as the designated car beeped before me. 

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