thirty- infiltrate

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"Try harder." I groaned, throwing another punch in winter's direction. Yet only to be thrown to the ground as he got the upper hand. Winter rolled his eyes, "You can't be slacking off.."

I scoffed, pulling myself to my feet, "And why not?" I gestured around, "Everyone else doesn't seem to care what happens to me."

Winter gripped my arm with his metal fist a little too tight, making me wince. "Ow, what?!"

"You can't be slacking off in here."

"Why?" I questioned, softer this time. 

"Because," He shook his head, grip loosening on my arm, "I can't lose you." I was confused, I hardly knew this man other than a couple of training sessions here and there. "Why?" I asked again. 

He cleared his throat, "I don't...I don't know I just.. can't."


"миссия?" (Mission?) I asked, my face stoic as I looked up to the man. 

"убить мстителей." (Kill the Avengers) He held out a manilla folder. "все они." (All of them)


Jumping down from the helicopter, I landed on the roof of the Avengers tower. Unsnapping the tether from my belt, I looked around, seeing no agents. "как глупо с их стороны." (How stupid of them) I mumbled, looking over the edge and down at a large balcony. 

"идеально." (Perfect) 

Hooking a latch onto the roof, I lowered myself, falling stealthily onto the terrace. The door was open. Convenient for me. I could hear voices but most were far enough away. Softly running, I hid behind a staircase, watching. 

"Did you find anything else?" A redhead woman asked, talking to a man through the computer. I recognized her from the file. The black widow. 

"All I found was an old base near Canada but it could be deserted." He spoke back, making the widow sit down her cup of coffee as she let out a deep breath. 

"Please tell me you guys found something." A man hastily walked into the room. Something about him sparked in the back of my head. Especially his metal arm. Did I know him?

Another man walked up, Stark I suppose. "Not exactly but we found old records that might help us track the base and ultimately her."

The metal-armed man groaned, ruffling his hand through his hair. 

"Thor?" Another one, Captain America, asked, "Anything?"

The one he had questioned walked up, "Nothing." Thor shook his head, "When Loki went back to Asgard he said even Heimdall has not seen Lady Y/n"

"It's like she fell off the face of the earth." Yet again another Avenger stepped into the room. A blue light shimmered through the room as a blonde boy stopped beside Captain America, "Maybe she's just gone-"

"She's not gone!!" The metal-armed man shouted, almost making me jump if it wasn't for my training. Everyone went silent until a certain blonde woman spoke up, "We don't know that Barnes."

He sat back, shaking his head. "Why are you even here Sharon?" She gulped, staying quiet. "It's not like your even contributing anything to the discussion."

The Captain averted his eyes. Like he and the blonde had something going on. 

"I'm checking the file and.." The black widow nodded, looking at the screen. 

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