fourteen- deserving

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We stood in the elevator once again, waiting as it finally hit the 90th floor. "Your room is just up here, Y/n."

I followed Wanda, Bucky trailing behind me. Light instantly flooded my eyes when I walked in. Again, windows surrounded the space. A large bed in the middle as a desk, closet, and sofa was placed around the area. Several plants accented the plain white interior, helping a little bit. 

"Uhm..." I cleared my throat, "This is amazing."


"Please call me Bucky." 

Wanda nodded, "Bucky...Your room is just down the hall." We followed, looking around as she opened a room a lot more plain. A dark taupe colored the walls as only one wall had a window. A bed with clean sheets sat in between two nightstands and had a desk at the end. 

"This is all way too much," Bucky mumbled, looking at Wanda. She let out a laugh under her breath, "I know it's a lot. I got freaked out at how big it was, too, but.." She took a breath, "it's the smallest floor on the tower, and after a while, you'll adjust." I think she could sense my anxiety as she slowly placed a hand on my arm, "Give it a chance."

"it's okay. Thank you, Wanda."

She smiled, "Alright, well, dinner will be ready in about an hour. We all sit together. it was actually Steve's idea at bonding." I smiled, knowing that was definitely something he would do. 

"Thank you. We'll be down."

"See you then." She started to leave, "Oh! And let me know if you need anything. Vision and I are on the floor right below you." I nodded, smiling at her as she walked out.

I turned back to Bucky, "90 story buildings and people dating robots. We truly did miss a lot." Bucky laughed, "You know it's rude to call me a robot." I rolled my eyes, "You know I wasn't talking about you."

He grinned, grabbing me by my waist as he picked me up. I locked my legs around his torso, holding onto the back of his neck, "Are you okay?" I noticed the way his eyes wandered. 

"This is a lot, Y/n."

I took a deep breath, "I know it is. But maybe, just maybe...we deserve something other than shitty apartments and HYDRA cells, Buck."

"You deserve it. More than anyone, doll. But for me..." He trailed off, giving me enough to know how he felt about himself. How he always did. I placed a finger under his chin, turning his face as his eyes met mine. "You deserve it too, James. You just don't know how much you do...yet."

We stayed silent as he let me down from his tight hold. "I wanna take a shower before dinner. Will you be okay?" I could see his hesitation. Then, looking in the bathroom, I glanced back to Bucky, "You wanna sit in there with me?" 

He nodded, "Thank you, doll."

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