twenty-seven- taken

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The quinjet landed, Dr. Cho and Maria Hill standing by. The door opened, revealing Sharon with a concerned expression. "Yelena needs stitches and we need a stretcher for Bucky."

"Bruce can help Yelena." Dr. Cho helped the blonde into Banner's arms as he led her to sit down. "What happened to Mr. Barnes?" The doctor questioned, making Sharon shake her head. "It was the only way to get him out, without her."

"Without who?" Natasha questioned, standing by her injured sister as Bruce stitched the blonde's arm. Steve locked eyes with Sharon, only to drop his head as he helped Dr. Cho wheel Bucky into an exam room. 

Natasha looked around, a realization spreading across her features. "Steve," He met the widows eyes, "Where's Yn?" Sharon looked over, guilt radiating on her face. No one spoke. 

Peter walked by the medbay, backtracking and entering the room. "Oh! You're back!" Loki smiled as he entered the room excitedly. "We want to show Yn this TikTok dance we memorized!" 

Sylvie walked in behind them, "Where is the sassy assassin?"

Tony made his appearance known, holding a drink in his hand. "Cap, seriously. Where is Yn?"

Steve lifted his head, "She was taken."

Tears sprung to Peter's eyes. "She was what?" Loki looked down, not even flinching when Pietro ran up beside him, letting Wanda down from his arms. Everyone exchanged glances, not wanting to believe what the captain had said. 

"And you didn't go get her?!" Wanda shouted, pointing between Sharon and Steve. "We didn't have time." The blonde answered, pouring herself a drink. 

"Bullshit you didn't have time." Yelena stood, throwing on her vest. Sharon stayed silent, looking up at her. 

"I heard everything." The little widow said, "You and Steve left her for dead." Yelena looked to Bucky, "Then knocked him out so he couldn't go back for her."

Natasha tilted her head, making Steve glare at everyone.

"Do you know who took her?" Loki questioned, shrugging an arm around Peter who had tears streaming down his face. 

"it wasn't HYDRA. I know that." Steve shook his head, "The ships were different, more advanced."

"Maybe a separate division based from HYDRA." Vision spoke out, walking from the other side of a wall. 

"Did you see it, Yelena?" Nat asked her sister, making her deny with a shake of her head. "I couldn't, I was too out of it,  I-"

"The logo had a shield with a sword through it." Sharon interjected, "The colors were gold and red with letters I couldn't make out in front of it."

Yelena looked to her sister, both of them locking eyes as they seemed to share a common understanding of Sharon's description. Natasha teared up, blinking it away as the blonde took a deep breath. 

"Well, we're getting her back, right?" Loki questioned again, making Natasha speak up even though she kept her eyes on Yelena. "We know who took her."

"You're losing me here." Tony snarked, taking another drink. 

"We can get her back." Yelena started. "But it won't be all." Natasha finished.  

Suddenly a crash sounded in the next room as the door swung open to reveal a very angry super-soldier. If life was a cartoon, Bucky would have steam smoking from his ears. He regained his balance from the doorframe. 


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