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Two weeks had passed since the funeral. Mostly everything was back to normal and the tension had settled down. "How you doing?" Steve questioned, leaning on the doorframe of one of the many living rooms inside the tower. I shrugged, "Fine, I guess."

Steve nodded, "I've been thinking lately." I let a smirk curve upon my lips, "Uh oh, sounds dangerous." The soldier smiled, "I promise, It's not." Pushing off from the wooden frame and sat down in the chair across from me. "I really wanna talk." He threw his motorcycle keys on the table and placed his jacket on the chair. 

I watched carefully as he took a deep breath, leaning back in his chair as his eyes met mine. "What did you uhm..want to talk about?" He looked up and suddenly the room went silent. The air conditioner stopped, street noise was quiet and all I could hear was my own breathing. 

"I'm sorry, Yn."

I shook my head, "Steve, we don't have to do this-"

"I mean it, Yn." He cut me off, "I shouldn't have gotten with you when I knew Peggy was my soulmate." He looked down once again, biting his lip. "I shouldn't have neglected you. I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye." Steve raised his head, "I shouldn't have left you there I should have-"

"You can't change the past Steve." I smiled softly, "We could play the blame game all day and not solve a thing." I gulped, "We all made mistakes. Some of us worse than others." He let out a low laugh. "But I want to cherish the time we have now." I continued, "I forgive you, Steve. There were a lot of things I should've done too."

I dropped my legs from the table, leaning over and taking his hand in mine. "I'll forgive you if you forgive me. All of this in the past okay?" Steve nodded, "A new start."

"Thank god you two made up!!"

Both our heads snapped over to see Wanda sitting on one of the nearby couches. She smirked, "I was running out of cereal for every fight." Steve laughed making me let go of his hand as I rolled my eyes. Suddenly Peter dropped down from the ceiling, spiderwebs left over from where he was hanging. "I heard you guys made up."

I scoffed, "You guys eavesdrop too much." 

Peter tilted his head back and forth, "Agree to disagree."

Picking my book up once again, Peter turned back. "Oh! And Bucky said he wants to talk to you."

My brows furrowed, "I thought he was training with Yelena."

"No," Peter shook his head, "He said to meet you in your guys' room." I shrugged, placing the bookmark back in between the pages, "I'll talk to you later, Steve."

Pressing the button to the elevator, the metal doors opened and closed as I clicked mine and Bucky's level. I had no idea what he would want to talk to me about. There weren't any upcoming missions, especially because I wasn't allowed to go on any until I was cleared with Banner. 

Steve and I had made up so he couldn't be trying to convince me to talk it out. Everything was finally normal. Peaceful, for once. Yet I could feel my anxiety growing as the elevator rose. 

Maybe he just wanted to talk or cuddle, I was always up for that. 

"Hey babe," The doors opened as I stepped into our floor. Walking down the hall and into our bedroom, I saw him lying on his side against the pillows. "Peter said you wanted to talk to me?"

He nodded, "Come sit, darling."

I laughed, "What did you just call me?" Bucky's brows furrowed in confusion, "Uhm, nothing...doll." He said it with a weird tone as I stepped forward and jumped on the mattress, landing right next to him. 

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