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Q&A for my fabulous readers out there.
I know this seems so much to ask for, but I'm curious how people see these characters.

1. Who's your favorite character?  (Don't worry, you can have more than one. I know I do😊😏😉.)  What exactly made the character so likable?  I'd love to know.

2. Who's your least favorite character (Like I said before, it can be more than one)  & at what point did you realize how unlikable the character?

3. Name one character who you makes disliking them so hard, because of their personality (Eg. A character everyone loves to hate/an antihero. I don't know if you get my point. It's not the same as number 2. Number 2's pick is just an unlikable character. This one for No. 3 is a character you have a love-hate relationship with)

4. Name a character who deserves a spin off novel. (I'm curious about who everyone would pick). The highest number gets a spin off book that I'll publish in your honor.

5. A character that needed proper emotional growth/a character who seemed not to develop at all.

6.: Do you think Callie and Larkin's love story has reached its perfect ending or does it deserve a sequel?

7. Is there any other way you would have wanted the book to play out at the end?

8. Do you think Callie is a "Mary Sue" character? Google it, if you're curious on what it means.

9. Do you think Larkin made the right choice, at the end concerning the company? (I'd love to hear your reasons)

10. Do you think all the characters had their proper ending? Who do you think was left out?

11. What couple or pairing did you want to end up together, but didn't?

12. Does this book come off as a cliché story or does it have enough depth?

13. How well you do think I handled the plot on Abe's mental illness? Was it well developed or did it seem bland?

14. Who's the funniest character?

15. Who do you think had a scarier personality? Naomi or Leona? (😂😂 I'm actually super curious about this. These two remind me of each other)

Yep. I think that's all I'm curious to ask. If I have any more questions, I'll add it to the list.

Answering these questions honestly is important to help me grow as a writer and to understand my readers' point of view, without haFluo make assumptions about it.
So please, give me your opinions (especially my wonderful silent readers).  It really goes a long way. 


Top colleration and facts from "Scars to your beautiful" to its parent retelling "Beauty and the beast." And scenes from the animated movie that parallels with the book 

- The name Callista means "most beautiful",  A.k.a Beauty. (That's why I chose her name. It's no accident, peeps)

- The name "Larkin" means "Silent or rough & fierce", which well matches Larkin's own personality.

-The frequent use of French names in the book like Harvey, Madeleine (Maddie), Jacques, Maxime, Henrí (Abe's middle name), Dr. Guilbert etc, illustrates the original Beauty and the beast story, being set in France.

-  Callie is 17 years old, just like Belle from the original story.

- Larkin's scars makes him feel like a "beast" and his situation makes him live alone (aside from his workers) in his mansion. (P.S I'm not saying that having scars makes one a beast, I'm just illustrating Larkin's emotional distress. His scars run all the way to his broken heart too)  

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