1. Pilot

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Callie felt the first splatter of a rain droplet fall right on her cheek. She raised her head towards the sky and noticed how its brilliant blue color had stroked deeper into a gloomy grey shade. As darker clouds formed, they blocked the sun rays that threatened to shine underneath it.

Callie quickened her pace, sighing in relief when she spotted the building seemingly coming into view. Just as she got to the glass door, the rain sprinkled in light showers and Callie caught her reflection on the glass door when she stepped in. She gently patted the raindrops dancing on her walnut brown hair and dashed to the front desk belonging to the junior deputy of the Sheriff's department, Jubilee Grove's finest. Panting for air, she choked out her words. "I'm here to see Abe Blanco."

The deputy—a crystal blue eyed and copper haired man who didn't look a day over 25—raised an eyebrow quizzically, donning a wary look. "I'm sorry, missy. I can't le—"

She pressed her lips into an angry thin line and scowled. "My name's Callista and he's my dad. What they said isn't true. My dad didn't do it."

Callie knew there was nothing much she could do to help her dad but she wanted to do something. No matter how small.

The deputy offered her a sympathetic look. His pale set of blue eyes had softened. "Sorry again, missy. This is beyond me. I have superiors and your father pissed off a powerful business corporation."

Callie squeezed her eyes shut, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill out of her eyes. When she heard her father had been arrested for theft, she didn't need to think twice about ditching school for this. She had hoped the situation was redeemable. God, this was worse than she imagined.

She blinked open her fiery, cider brown eyes with unshed determination set in them. "Can I see him, please?"

The deputy raked his hand over his jaw, brushing against the stubble of reddish brown hair that stalked his face. "No can do, missy. He isn't allowed visitors. Your father tried to bite a deputy that wanted to put him in his cell. He also started making howling sounds when someone inside tapped his shoulder and also hid in a corner away from other people in the cell. He's now kept in a different holding cell."

Callie cursed. They shouldn't have tried to touch him. Even handshakes made him jumpy. "Please. Only one minute. I just want to see how he's doing. He's not in the best of health. I beg of you." Her eyes flickered to his name tag pinned on his waning beige uniform. Deputy Jon Doherty. Doherty? The name seemed familiar. "Are you by any chance related to Peter Doherty?"

His eyes widened. "Why, yes. Do you know my little brother?"

Callie plastered a quick smile on her face. "Know him? We're pretty close friends. We work together at Alpha's."

She felt relieved when it looked like the deputy believed her. She and Peter did work together, but 'friends' wouldn't be what anyone would call either of them. Nothing more than a 'hello' or 'bye' was said to each other. Callie could see the wheels turning in the deputy's head before he finally muttered. "Okay. Just one minute. Say what you have to say, and scram. Got it, missy?"

Callie nodded, thanking him as quickly as she could. She followed him down the hall until they reached the holding cell where her sleeping dad was lying on the wooden seat. His thick, silvery hair, usually slicked back, was now disheveled and sprawled on the ash wood bench. The rest of his body was flattened against it in a similar fashion, his face pressing down on the lowly furniture.

Deputy Doherty turned on his heels and called out loudly. "You have only one minute, missy." His baritone voice immediately jolted her father from his slumber as he mumbled harsh, unintelligible words.

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