2. Quite the story

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"Thank you, Deputy Doherty, for not interrupting my conversation with my dad. I'm aware I took a lot more than the minute we agreed on." Callie was grateful for the older man's kind gestures.

His pale colored ears instantly turned pink. Deputy Doherty was embarrassed? The poor guy looked like he wanted to sink into the ground. He was acting just like Peter, who also hated being complimented. "Nothing to thank me for, missy. Just doing my job. Besides, the Sheriff isn't around and I'm next in charge. You're also Peter's friend, so it's the least I could do for you."

"Note to self, remember to be friendlier to Peter." Callie told herself. His brother was kind enough to help, so it wouldn't hurt to at least strike a convo with Peter Doherty.

Callie hummed in agreement and couldn't resist asking, "How much trouble do you think my dad would be in if things turn bad?"

Deputy Doherty cleared his throat. "Can't say, missy. It sure doesn't help that your dad has a record. I read his file. It's pretty raunchy. Dragging a man in tattoos by his hair, and calling him a demon. He even has a restraining order. Setting an old shed on fire. Public indecency twice. None of these look pretty, missy."

Callie protested. "It's not his fault. He has STPD."

Every time Callie said those words, her mind was forced to think back to the many times her dad had gotten arrested. Since mom's death, he had gotten worse and it always made Callie on the edge. His mood swings and paranoia had skyrocketed to the point that it pushed him into a temporary depressive state at one moment. At least, he was better now.

Callie shook off her thoughts. Reminiscing wouldn't change anything. Her only priority was to find a way to get him out.

"I know what your father has. I read about his personality disorder. It's all in his files. That's why he's put in a separate holding cell. Everything in his file would be made known in the court. That might aggravate what the judge or jury thinks of him. I'm just saying. I could be wrong though." The deputy shrugged.

Callie swallowed. Her shoulders fell at the thought of her dad being locked up. Or worse, being taken to a psych ward. "I won't let it get to that."

Deputy Doherty gave a small glance at her uniform before saying, "You should get back to that fancy prep school of yours, missy. You've got three long hours before it's over. I'll keep an eye on your pops for you. So, don't worry."

Callie thanked him once again, though he kept on uncomfortably looking away. Maybe he didn't like being complimented. Kinda like her dad. Callie slightly pulled out her phone from her handbag and checked the time. 12:09. She was thankful the rain had stopped, but there was no way she was going back to school. She couldn't handle the overwhelming feeling of seeing anyone. She didn't mind going to work afterwards. She needed the pay check, and missing out a day wouldn't bode well with her current financial situation. It was also a bonus how no one really knew her at work. Hell, Peter was the only one around her age, so she never intended on interacting personally with any of them. That meant no questions asked, which was what Callie needed at the moment.

Callie's phone buzzed when she got into the bus. Picking a seat far from everyone else, Callie couldn't help chuckling to herself. She really was picking up one of her dad's many traits. She always enjoyed sitting by herself and reading books on her phone for her leisure. It just had a way of putting her at ease. She glanced at her phone once she got the chance to sit down. It was a text from Naomi. Simple and straight to the point, just like the pixie sized Naomi herself.

"Where you at?" Popped up on her screen.

Callie texted back. "Dad stuff. Don't worry."

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now