17. Better at faking it

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"Callie! Callie!!" Mr. Campbell, the drama director hissed out, pulling her back to the real world.

She blinked, as her cheeks burned. Callie propped her hands on the black driftwood table, where she and Mr. Campbell sat behind. The polished table was placed opposite the high rise wooden stage in the grand 2000 seater school hall.  "I'm sorry?"

Mr, Campbell arched a thick wisp of his midnight black eyebrow. His rich swarthy skin and stocky build were his distinct features that stood him out in Jubilee Grove.  "You haven't called in the next person that's supposed to audition."

"Oh yeah, right. Okay." Her head had been spinning around all weekend by what Larkin meant about killing his parents. After throwing such a huge bomb on her, he left immediately, without easing her concerns. Was he being sarcastic? Nah, Larkin didn't seem like the type to joke about things, so that seemed unlikely. Mrs. Esther did mention something about an accident killing his parents, but the story didn't match the info he dumped on her. It took everything in her not to ask Mrs. Esther what really happened right after he said it, but she wanted to give Larkin the benefit of the doubt for once. She hoped there was more to the shocking reveal than what he gave her.

Mr. Campbell raked his eyes over her face. "Are you okay? You seem distracted. Should we just do this another t—"

"No." Callie wheezed out. It was her fault in the first place that they needed a new male lead. Mr. Campbell wasn't pleased with the turn of events, but he was willing to spare out time for this. While she wasn't thrilled to be here, Callie had to hold the auditions after school hours and also sacrificed missing a day out of her job at Alpha's for this. Mr. Campbell made an effort to come and there was no way she'd let anyone see her as unprofessional. "I'm ready. I'm truly sorry."

He cracked a smile. The small glimpse was surrounded by his thick full beard. "Let's just get to it."

"Next." Callie called out loud enough for the people in the hallway to hear, until a groan escaped her lips when the next person stepped in.

"Mi Bella, So good to see you." Damien Pierce flashed his teeth. He had changed out of their school uniform and was dressed in a black oversized hoodie paired with dark denim jeans. It gave him a casual look, as his eyes twinkled. "Mr. Campbell, how's it going, sir?"

Mr. Campbell's deep voice rang into a husky laugh. "Damien Pierce, our very own. I didn't know you were into theater. I would have hauled you here years ago."

Mr. Campbell's cheerful demeanor around him didn't sit well with her. Damien Pierce's oozing charm seemed to make everyone take a liking to him. Well, almost everyone. Callie grumbled. "Let's just get this over with."

Mr. Campbell sent her a look she quickly glanced away from. Pierce cleared his throat and started reading out his lines poetically. It didn't take Callie by surprise that his audition went pretty well. That guy was good at everything.

It went so well that it put Mr. Campbell on his feet, giving echoing rounds of applause that made Callie roll her eyes. "Bravo. Bravo. That was amazing. I've never seen anyone give a performance so raw and beautiful. Shakespeare would have been proud of your rendition of his work."

Damien Pierce gave a bashful smile Callie didn't buy one bit. "I'm flattered right now. Thank you, Mr. C. So did I get the part?"

Callie decided against making an off putting comment, considering how much Mr Campbell was fawning all over him. His audition was good enough. Amazing? Not so much. Mr. Campbell had to be losing his mind. It was almost like Pierce had Gordon Newt Prep. at his fingertips and it irked her. "You'd have to find out tomorrow just like everyone else and just—"

"What are you talking about? He's the new lead." Mr. Campbell's usually contagious smile didn't lighten her mood.

"Aren't we supposed to make this decision together, Sir?" Callie clenched her teeth. She tried not to imagine Damien Pierce working with her for the next seven weeks. Talking to her. Tailing her. God, she wished she could escape all these.

A shrug was all she got. "That's what I wondered too when I found out Jacques got kicked out." Callie gaped, struggling to give a response. She had no idea he was still offended by it. Almost like he could read her mind, he added. "That had nothing to do with the decision I just made. This isn't payback. I just haven't seen someone who has topped what he did."

"But it's not over yet." Callie protested, then glanced at her clipboard on the table. "There's still five more people remaining."

Mr. Campbell didn't look like he was swayed by her words. "I'm impressed with what I've seen. This is a high school play, not a Broadway audition. We'll take what we've got. Or do you have a problem working with Damien Pierce?"

Callie hesitated. Here was her chance to admit how uncomfortable it was to be around that boy, but it didn't look like it made a difference. He was the golden boy and she was a nobody. There was no turning back after that. "None at all. Congratulations, Pierce. You're now one of us."

Damien Pierce danced around his room, when the thought once again popped in his head. Anyone seeing him would think he had gone crazy to be dancing without music. But he did feel crazy. He was crazy about Callista Blanco and for once, he finally felt like he had a chance.

Harvey scratched his hands over his pasty skin absentmindedly. "I don't get why you're so happy about being in that lame play."

Pierce growled. "Don't you ever say that again. That play is my one chance at finally getting her attention."

"What are you talking about? You've always had her attention. She just wants nothing to do with you." Harvey quipped. Pierce was his longest friend and he usually went with whatever he said, even when people claimed how much of a pushover Pierce was. But people had no idea how different things were in their friendship. Or how much Pierce depended on him to help him with his wading self confidence. People didn't need to know that. They would never understand.

Sending him a quick glare, Pierce continued confidently. "Viola was right about something. I've been going about it the wrong way. I don't have to buy her stuff and learn exotic languages to have her all to myself. All I have to do is to insert her into my world and she, in mine."

Harvey couldn't believe what he heard. Viola had to be the last person on earth to help him win Callie's affection. "Viola told you that?"

"Okay, she didn't say it directly, but she implied it." Pierce pointed out, which earned a scoff from Harvey. "But it's a brilliant idea that is going to bring good results. Trust me, Harv."

Harvey's clean shaven jaw slacked. He wasn't sure Pierce would ever let it go. Once he had his heart set on someone, there was no undoing it. "And how do you expect to do that?"

Pierce winked. "I have a plan and I just made the first step to it."

Hey, everyone. I don't think I've ever asked, but what country are my readers from?  I've been so curious about that.

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