27. Deep Rooted Truths

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Mimi's diner was unusually busy for a Wednesday evening. The diner bustled with overlapping sounds of cheap silverware clinking on plates while people ate, and loudly chatting customers bursting in and out of the glass front door. The shuffling of their feet moving over the checkerboard tiled floor almost soaked in the soft jazz music playing from the '80s jukebox.

Callie chatted away with Peter, who finally looked at ease talking to her. That had to be the first time he seemed less introverted around her and it felt like he was actually comfortable hanging out with Callie. That actually brought a wave of relief to her. Being friends with him wasn't going to be an impossible task, as she had thought.

"Hello. Can I take your order?" A petite girl probably around their age inquired, without glancing at their faces and penning down something on her note pad. She had straight coffee brown hair that covered her eyebrows with thick bangs and prominent cheekbones. Her head raised and amusement shimmered in her eyes when she looked between both of them and sent Peter a smile. "Hey, babe."

Peter's eyes lit up. "Hey, Nyma. This is Callie. My friend who wanted to meet you."

Nyma's chocolate coloured eyes crinkled lightly, making her radiant golden oak skin look a lot more stunning than it already was. She had worn a checkered red and white work uniform and a glowing smile to match her bubbly personality. "I'm going to stay here for only a few minutes. I need to get back to work but it's so nice to finally meet you. I'm Nyma Ahmad, as you already know. I'm a non-practicing Muslim and a multicultural girl of Latino and Turkish descent. I have three stepbrothers and a little half sister. I'm also a Virgo. My dream is to be an environmental lawyer and to preserve endangered species. Peter and I are both juniors at Jubilee Grove High. I think that's pretty much about me." Then she gave a soft chuckle that seemed to make Peter smile.

A wave of comfort enveloped Callie instantly. She was a little nervous to meet Nyma at first, but it was almost impossible to feel awkward around the friendly girl. Callie hadn't met someone who was so open about her personal life like Nyma was. "I'm glad we finally got to meet too. Peter's very tight lipped about you."

"We like to keep our relationship private." An amused smirk made its way to Nyma's lips. "You're really pretty. Peter did not go into that detail. I wonder why."

His cheeks turned a shade of bright red. "There was no need to talk about that."

"Look at how embarrassed he gets." She cooed. "So cute." Nyma nestled on a seat next to Peter and pecked his cheek. She turned her gaze back to Callie. "I like your blouse."

Callie peered at the pleated funshia tank top that would have looked better on her if she gained a little more pounds. "Right, thank you. It's funny that you work here and I always come to Mimi's, but we've never actually talked to each other before."

"Oh my God, no wonder you look familiar." Nyma's eyes gleamed excitedly. "You always come here with a tall and beautiful red haired woman. I'm guessing she's your mom, right?"

Callie's hands fidgeted at the memories. "No. She's my godmother. My mom's dead." Callie wasn't planning on adding the last part, especially not in front of people she didn't really know. But somehow, it felt like the right moment to open up.

Nyma's mouth sagged down, with sympathy lacing her words. "I'm so sorry. My mom got deported back to Peru a few years ago and I don't even get to see her anymore. I always feel terrible about it but it never really got to me. My mom and I were already estranged before the whole deportation situation. I'm sure yours would have been harder, especially if you guys were close."

"We were close." Callie's lips tipped up mildly when she shifted her gaze between the couple seated in front of her. Peter hadn't said anything, but the unmasked tinge of pain hovering over his eyes spoke volume. Even Nyma's warmth surprisingly touched her heart. "But I'm learning to be stronger."

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