20. Falling like Dominos

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Larkin knew he had to apologize to Callista for the things he said, the last time they spoke. As selfish as it sounds, his intention was to scare her away from asking more questions about his past.

"I killed them." "I killed them." His words reverberated in his head like a song on repeat, haunting his very existence. He wished he had been a lot more gentler with his words and explained what he really meant. But he wasn't sure he was ready to talk about that night, especially when it felt like he was reliving his mistakes.

Larkin certainly didn't expect her to keep sending him angry glares whenever she saw him. He knew how shaken up Callista had gotten when he said the words "I killed them." The images of the petrified look she had worn, burned through his head. That was what he wanted to get rid of. The blend of fear and anger swirling in those eyes was driving him nuts.

Larkin always hated climbing down the stairs, but he knew he had to. That was the only way he could reach Callista. For others, climbing the stairs was normal and some could even feel the thrill from walking all over the flight of stairs. But for him, it was torture. His legs ached from each step he took and the walking cane in his hand didn't ease up the anguish.

Finally reaching the base, Larkin spotted Callista wiping the top of the dining table, with a napkin in her hand. Her long brown hair had been pulled up into a messy bun, as tiny curls swept against her neck. Something in the way she moved around, had him stopping just to stare at her for a little while.

She seemed so transfixed on what she was doing as she furiously wiped off what looked like dried paint, edged underneath the table. Sighing to himself, he couldn't find the courage to apologize and found himself turning around.

"Where do you think you're going to?" Her voice clipped sharply, and he whirled back to her. Callista put her arms akimbo and faced him. "Were you going to stand there and watch me work? Is that like a fetish for you?"

His eyes bulged. "Wait? What? No, no. God, no."

Callista's lips creased up, as she broke into a laugh. "I was just kidding. You should have seen the look on your face. Priceless."

His lips pressed in a firm line and his face pinched tightly. She cocked her head at his frigid reaction. "That's all I'm getting? Not even a teeny weeny smile."

Larkin didn't look amused. His eyes were narrowed, his words dripped icily. "You know, I thought you were mad at me."

"I was, but then I got curious about you. I always thought I was the fucked up one. I hated being around people, but you are just unexplainable." She answered, simply.

Larkin knew what she was curious about. She wanted details about the meaning of what he told her, but this was one thing he wasn't willing to share with her. "I'm sure you have other things to do, beyond turning me into your new science project."

She tossed her napkin on the table. "Actually, no. I don't have anything to do right now. I'm done for the day. Got any problem with it?"

Larkin stepped closer. His leg wobbled slightly as he walked but Larkin managed to give a grunt. "I don't want you to figure me out. You won't like what you see."

Callista chuckled softly. The genteel timbre in her voice made him tense. "I'll be the one to decide that. Thank you very much."

Something about how casual she made it sound, caused him to snap. "I know you can't help it because you grew up with a father that many misunderstood, but I'm not your father. So I'd advice you to do what you came here for."

Rather than looking offended, she just watched him carefully. With each passing moment, her expression turned into a comforting smile. He feared how well she could see through him. He had never let that happen with anyone else. Not since the accident. But all he could think of, was her sweet scent of magnolia that seeped into his nose when she stood only inches away from him. "Why do you work so hard to push people away from you?"

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now