50. Sometimes, we know better

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Callie's feet dragged her to the porch where she spotted Becca sitting alone, her expression deep in thought. Callie had assumed she had already left and was surprised to see her hanging around.

A wave of guilt washed through Callie when she realized how stiff she had been around Becca. If Larkin wanted to be with his ex, then that was his choice. Even if it hurt the hell out of her, she was willing to accept her loss.

But there was something about the sad look on the redhead's face that made her very curious. Callie asked, keeping her voice level. "Are you okay?"

Offering a bright smile, Becca replied. "I'm great, thanks." Then she took a beat to add. "I don't think we had the chance to properly introduce ourselves. I'm sure you already know who I am, but in case you forgot, I'm Becca. Becca Doherty."

Callie forced down a tired groan. Of all twisted games life had thrown at her, this had to be one of the many cruel ones. Of course, she was a Doherty. Red hair. Rare blue eyes. Attractive pale skin. God, this was a really small town. "You're Peter's older sister, right? I can see the resemblance."

Surprise swelled on her fine-boned face. "You know my brother?"

"I've met some of your brothers. Not all of them. I think it's only remaining one I haven't met. I'm not sure." Callie said simply, listing them out. "I've met the deputy and Elias. Elias is engaged to my godmother."

Becca said, absently running her hands down her long hair. "That's one hell of a coincidence. I'm actually surprised you know Jon and Elias."

"I'm sure the biggest coincidence has to be that you dated Larkin and now, you're here. That's unexpected."

Her back stiffened, blue eyes looking jaded at Callie's direct answer. "I'm not here to win him back, if that's what you're wondering. He and I are history. I just wanted to see him. For old times sake." A short pause tore through her words. "Besides, he's too busy being in love with you to even notice me."

"He's not in love with me." Callie's voice grew softer.

"You'd have to be blind not to notice it. He's completely crazy about you." Becca eyed her with a stern look. "Just don't break his heart like I did. I don't think he'll be able to get over it if you did."

Callie murmured softly. "Why did you break his heart? I'm sure that you loved him once."

"Actually, I still love him.  I don't think I ever stopped." Becca corrected, making Callie eyes' widen. "But I also knew I couldn't handle his gloomy side. It takes a lot to deal with that, and it took a toll on our relationship. After the accident, Larkin was completely different from how he is now. He was much colder. At first, he moved around in a wheelchair for weeks and that brought out his cynical side. I was exhausted with him pushing me away, that it made me finally leave him. My university's in LA and Larkin was stuck here in Indiana, so I had to make a choice. I couldn't sit by and watch him torture himself. I knew he needed me and it still makes me feel guilty. But I just couldn't give up my whole life for him. You'll know what I mean when the time comes."

Callie almost wanted to admit that it had already happened. She was too hesitant to try and micromanage his emotions. "I'm sorry you felt like that with him."

She shook her head, her lips creasing up. "There's no need for that. We were happy at some point and I'm not gonna pretend like I wasn't. Besides, LA has the hottest people in America so it's not like I'm missing much."

Callie insisted, expecting some sort of awkwardness to settle between them. "But still—"

"You're a coolheaded person. I'm sure you'll be good for him. Besides, you and I will see each other again. It's a small town and you seem like a really nice person, ehm......" Becca's words trailed, almost like she was trying to recollect Callie's name.

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