46. You're still the one

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Once the guys started discussing with each other, Leona pulled Callie to a corner in the kitchen, taking her by surprise. Leona's voice lowered. "Can I tell you something?" Callie's small nod was all it took for her to say. "I almost kissed Max. I feel so stupid right now."

"Wow. When did that happen?"

"Not long ago. It was when you and Larkin went to get the drinks." She responded with an added sigh. "It's just been really hard to be around him when I still want to be with him again."

"Then get back together with him." Callie insisted. It was so obvious how crazy they were about each other, but for whatever reason, Leona couldn't let herself enjoy the possibility of dating him again. And Callie was sure it was something deeper than the excuse of Maxime dropping out of college.

Leona twisted her fingers awkwardly. She wore the cool expression Callie was used to, but a twinge of pained emotion wavered over her eyes. "It's not that simple. Max's life is complicated and his family's relationship is almost toxic. I don't want to be around that." She said, after a moment of silence. Her voice stitching a tone lower. "If you knew a person's past brought nothing but trouble, would you still be around them?"

Callie's mind steered to Larkin. She'd been avoiding him all day because she didn't want to make a stupid decision that she'd regret. She remembered how his steady green eyes held hers with a hungry look that only Callie could see. God, it was much harder to ignore him too. But their relationship wasn't the same anymore. Things had changed between them and Callie wasn't sure if they were on the same page. Horny or not, Larkin was still an emotional wreck. So was she, but at least it didn't make her as cold as it did to him.

Callie almost sighed. She knew he was trying to be better. Callie couldn't blame him for that but she still wanted a normal teen relationship that regular teenagers talked about. Nothing about her life had been normal, not even her only past failed relationship. But anything with Larkin would lack the normalcy she craved for. Her feelings for him were very real but she wasn't sure if it was enough reason to be with him. "I understand what you mean."

Leona's long waves fell over her eyes when her head tipped down a little. Raising her head again, her eyes struck Callie's. "Just forget about what I said. It doesn't matter. I just have to keep working side by side with the man I still have feelings for. I'll be fine."

Callie doubted if Leona would really be fine because she felt that exact way with Larkin. He actually wanted to be with her, and Callie felt tired of torturing herself. For once, she wanted to act like a teenager. To be impulsive and reckless. Since her mom's death, she became an adult without a choice, always proactive. But now, Callie wanted to throw caution to the wind and let herself feel alive again.

Maxime cast a glance at Larkin. "Aren't you gonna take a beer? You've been drinking this coffee all day. You should take a break, man."

The unusual buzzing in his head returned, distracting him for a while. "Actually, I've been taking it all week. It's very dope. Thanks again for the coffee pack you got me."

Maxime scratched his jaw, raking his fingers lightly over the raven-black stubble. "Ehm, Larkin. About your coffee, there's—"

Leona and Callista entered the room, halting their discussion. Warmth painted Larkin's features when she caught his gaze. The soft look in her eyes intoxicated him. He didn't mean to stare at her so often and he sure as hell, didn't want Maxime or Leona to notice. But for once in his Goddamn life, he wanted to admit how much Callista consumed his every being. 

Leona stated simply. "I've gotta go home. I'm feeling a little tired."

With his eyes bulging out, Maxime looked distraught. "But I had things planned for today. It was gonna be epic."

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now