38. Trojan Horse

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Aunt Zoe's distinct strides echoed against the wooden floor when Leona led her through the hallways and into the dining room. Larkin's hardened exterior matched the annoyance he felt when he observed his aunt's every moment.

Adorned in a soft satin, chambray floral dress and black louboutin stilettos, Aunt Zoe straightened her gaze, like that of a general of an army at war. Larkin held hers, draping his poker-face. This definitely was war.

He had done everything in his power to pacify the situation between them. Unfortunately, his only aunt didn't like him and there was nothing else to do than to rip the bandaid off.

Aunt Zoe sat exactly where she was, the last time she came. She had slipped onto the harbor grey Parson chair with a callous look on her face. "I was expecting you to greet me from the entrance, like you did the last time."

Larkin cocked his head, not responding to her words. He was done enabling her. He asked, deep and even. "Would you like a glass of wine?"

A conflicted look crossed her face. It actually puzzled him when a look of discomfort finally settled in. "I'd rather not. I'm an al—"

Series of impatient ringing of the doorbell resounded from the Manor's entrance. Larkin's eyebrow quirked up. Who could that possibly be?

Not feeling the need to stand up, Larkin's ears perked up when he heard Leona loudly whispering to the livid person at the door. Heavy footsteps drew nearer and Ira emerged with Leona by his side, wearing a fixed scowl on his lips.

Brown eyes flashed and Leona attempted to say. "I tried to stop him from entering but he was very adamant abou—"

"It's okay. Let him in." Larkin responded to a visibly annoyed Leona.

Leona narrowed her eyes at Ira's rigid form and exited the room.

Ignoring Larkin, Ira leapt towards his mother and hissed. "What did I tell you about having meetings without me?"

The gruff treble to his voice made Aunt Zoe roll her eyes. "I'm not an idiot. I can handle my business without you acting like an underpaid bodyguard every damn time."

With a low growl, Ira turned his head back to Larkin, who was watching their interaction with rapt concern. A sudden coy smile slipped on his attractive face. "Larkin, it's so good to see you."

Larkin remained impassive. His choice of outfit—a formal crisscross jacket that Larkin paired with the khaki trousers he had worn once for his high school graduation, oozed enough amount of control that he wanted to put on ground. "The feeling's mutual. Though I was hoping to have a solo conversation with Aunt Zoe but I guess you're always willing to follow her around, even during work hours."

Ira's smug smirk wasn't enough to conceal the smidge of annoyance settling in his eyes. Still standing, he sprung his arms apart in a relaxed manner. "Why are we really here, Larkin? There's no time to hear you complain about the same thing again. You've already said it twice before. Don't make it any more unsettling."

Larkin responded, in a surprisingly calm tone. "You're right. It's better to avoid any misunderstanding." Ira's eyes widened at how laid-back his demeanor had become, but didn't say anything. "That's exactly why we're here. To deal with every unsettling situation. In fact, the biggest situation so far, is actually really something very interesting." Narrowed green eyes struck on his aunt's blank face. "Does the name Ingrid Farrell ring any bell?"

With rapid blinks, she replied curtly. "Who the hell is that?"

"That's a good question." With his fingers interlocked, Larkin propped them on the table and leaned forward. Rage flowed through his veins. "That was exactly what I was wondering. What could possibly tie a low income accounts department clerk to a Chief Operating Officer? Absolutely nothing." He paused again, to drag out his words in a careful low tone. "Well, it could happen if the COO paid the clerk to do her dirty job and sabotage an innocent janitor, so that my position would be at risk. It's a beautiful scheme, though. I've got to hand it to you. Discrediting me for your own benefit. Brilliant."

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