31. Emotional healing

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Larkin dug his nails into the heel of his palms, with anxiety strangling the air in his lungs. His nerves overwhelmed him the moment he heard Reneé making a phone call to Byron Phelps, inquiring him about his mother's state. Mrs. Esther had been unconscious in the hospital since last night and if not for Callista being around, she would have been dead. The sheer thought of losing Mrs. Esther stripped him into a trembling mess.

Renee ended her call with her right hand pressed against her recklessly beating chest. "I have news. She just woke up. Avó had a heart attack and her health is deteriorating. She's a little distorted from the fall, but at least she's alive."

"Thank God." Relief washed over Larkin and she pulled him into her embrace. Tears brimmed her eyes and Larkin patted her back gently. "Hey, it's going to be okay."

Reneé sniffled a little. Her eyes were blood shot red and puffy from crying. "Byron and I have been holding off our wedding for three years because we've been waiting for the right time. But when I heard Avó collapsed, I was afraid she'd never get to see us getting married and I love her so much to deny her that."

Larkin wasn't ready to watch her die either. He'd lost his parents too soon and Mrs. Esther was just like family to him. He didn't want to lose another one. "Mrs. Esther's strong. She'll pull through."

She heaved out a long breath, trying hard not to sob. "I need some air. Can you help me keep an eye on Nando, while I get my shit together? He's in the kitchen tidying up stuff."

Larkin didn't think he'd ever tried talking to her son before but the look in her eyes made it hard for him to refuse. "It's cool. Take all the time you need."

Her eyes began to tear up and she gave him an appreciative smile, before heading out. Larkin limped to the kitchen, searching for the 9 year old boy that Reneé had left in his care.

A mop of brown hair scampered around with the boy roughly wiping the same spot on the kitchen counter. His eyes were fixated on Nando for a long time, before he cleared his throat.

Nando's alarmed squeak caught in his throat as his face reddened. "I didn't see you there, Larkin."

Larkin tried his best to put the kid at ease. "You seem a little distracted. Are you okay?"

The boy looked exactly like Reneé. Brown eyes. Brown hair. Full pink lips. It was easy to tell they were related. Even the sadness in his eyes looked very much like Reneé's, and his small shoulders sagged down. "It's my Avó. Do you think she's going to die?"

Larkin struggled to give him some comforting words. Hell, he thought he was going to lose her too, so what could he possibly say to ease the boy's worries?

Sighing slowly, Larkin admitted. "I don't know. That's the scariest part. But I know how strong your grandmother is. She's not a quitter and I don't think she's ready to to let you go either."

Nando's face softened. "Oh. Okay." He continued dabbing the same spot squeaky clean. Clearly, Larkin's words didn't comfort him as much as he hoped. Nando seemed so lost in his little distress.

The innocence in his eyes drew Larkin in. "Need any help, kid?"

His eyes grew wide. "With this?"

Larkin shrugged. "It seems like you need all the help you can get. I know you've got it under control, but it would be better if it gets finished on time, so we can watch some cartoons together."

"Really?" Excitement bubbled in his voice. "Okay, there's a napkin in the first drawer. You can help me clean the corners of the sink. Thank you."

"I know where the napkin is. This is my house, kiddo." Larkin's tiny chuckle trickled out of his lips. He took a glance at the now smiling boy, before joining in on his chores.

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