12. Someone like you

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"For six months?" Callie's insides quaked. It felt like her world was spinning and the walls were slowly closing in on her. What would she do without her best friend for six months?

"Or more." Aunt Georgia added, before noticing Callie's trembling arms. "Hey, hey. It's fine. I'm not abandoning you. The whole band reunion thing was unexpected. We hadn't gone on tour for two years and I just found out about it three days ago. It wasn't fully confirmed until this morning. I wouldn't want you to think I was leaving you at such a crucial time."

"But you are leaving me at a crucial time. I don't think I can do this alone." Callie's voice came out shaky. Despite her mom's death, she always had Aunt Georgia. Always. She usually helped with dad's situations and was one of the few people he trusted, or as he says in his manic words "Georgia isn't a member of the government that's spying on me, so I trust her."

Aunt Georgia cupped her cheek, pulling her sage colored eyes to Callie's heartbroken face. Callie took one more shaky breath and Aunt Georgia smiled. "I have never left you alone. Even when I heard you were moving to this shitty town, I didn't hesitate to leave my old life behind and found my way to you. I know this is hard to hear, but it's time for you to start taking full rein of your life. You'll be 18 in a couple of months and you'll legally become an adult. I've watched you grow into this marvelous woman and I want you to know that I believe in you. Just the way your mother did."

Callie buried her head in her chest, as Aunt Georgia's arms enveloped around her. She let the gentle tears fall out her eyes and quivered softly. Aunt Georgia wiped a tear from her own eye. "Hey, quit crying so much. Someone would think that I was leaving forever. I'll only be gone for six months."

"Or more." Callie cracked a hint of a smile and raised her head up.

Aunt Georgia joked. "Look at how you've ruined my best blouse. Such a crybaby."

When she couldn't bring herself to cry anymore, a smile found its way lingering on her lips. "I didn't even like this blouse."

"I'm glad you let yourself cry. You had bottled up your emotions for too long, I was afraid you'd break."

She had stiffened. "Too late, I'm already broken."

Aunt Georgia's mouth gaped open slightly. "Don't say that. You're going to be fine. You just need to give yourself the chance to feel that."

Not feeling the need to drag the conversation on, Callie asked. "So what are you going to do about the hot redhaired Doherty guy?"

"His name is Elias." Aunt Georgia corrected before her mouth compressed tightly and her face sagged down. "I don't know. I actually like him, but if I go for six months, I'm afraid he'd forget about me."

"You're hard to forget, Aunt Georgia." Callie said the earnest words, which was completely true. She didn't think she'd ever met someone like Aunt Georgia before.

Aunt Georgia's lips tipped up. "You know what I mean, he'd find some hot brunette prancing herself around him in sexy tight shorts, till he finally gives in."

"Then he'll be a complete idiot for choosing some random brunette when he can get a beautiful redhaired unicorn like you."

Aunt Georgia sputtered her laugh, which held its usual chirpy tune. "Wait, did you just call me a unicorn?"

Callie shrugged, though a grin pierced its way on her plump lips. "I couldn't think of something else. I meant that you're a rare gem. There's no one like you and he'd be the one missing out at the end."

Aunt Georgia awwned and kissed the top of her head. "That's so sweet of you. You're right. I am a unicorn. But if you wanna be specific, I'm a strawberry blonde, Lissie."

Callie's nose crinkled, wiping off the spot where Aunt Georgia kissed her hair gently. "I'll try to keep that in mind."

Aunt Georgia spread out her arms. "One more hug. For old time sake." Callie nodded and let her legs carry her to Aunt Georgia's comfortable willowy chest.

The creaking sounds of the door shifted their gazes to the entrance. Ava stood there with a questionable look in her brown eyes, underneath her glasses. She was wearing her favorite plain white T-shirt, with 'Food is bae' written at the center in bold black italics, and navy blue jeans.

Aunt Georgia whipped. "You're back already?"

"Noreena's grandfather had a minor medical emergency, so they dropped me off on their way to the hospital." Ava explained. She flickered her gaze between their faces and curiously added. "I'm more concerned about why there's a lot of hugging right now."

Callie sighed. This was one thing Ava needed to hear. "Aunt Georgia's band is going on tour next week for six months or more. I'm just trying to give all the hugs I can, that'll last for months to come."

Velvety long eyelashes sloped down and a pang of hurt flashed in Ava's eyes. "Can I join in on the hug? I'm going to need it too."

Tears flooded Aunt Georgia's eyes. "Yes you can, honey."

The continuous shrills of the landline phone cut the silence and echoed through the walls, enclosing the space in the library. The library had to be the largest room in the whole house and it was the prized possession of Larkin's father. Beams of light shone rays through its floor-to-ceiling window panes, which aided the illuminated light bulbs into a source of glimmering kindle. Neatly lined up books were arranged in rows on scores of bookshelves, coded by colors and by genres, with furniture leaning in different corners of the room.

Mrs. Esther's loud groan from the other side of the wall wasn't one to miss. "Oh for God's sake, Young Master. Won't you pick up the phone? It's driving me crazy."

Larkin scowled, giving a small glance at the phone ringing at the edge of his reading table. "I don't want to pick the call. It's Aunt Zoë. She's the one that's driving me crazy."

"Then at least, put the phone on silent. Even I know that." Mrs. Esther's voice rang aloud from the other room.

Larkin gave a tired grunt, before dragging the phone close to him. Mrs. Esther stepped into the library, arms folded and eyes drawn. "You know you can't avoid her forever. She will find her way and you'll have no choice than to consent."

Larkin said firmly. "I'm not giving in. Mom wouldn't want it."

"Your mom would want you to be happy. Think of the company. Think of the way your hiding is—"

"I always think of the company. I just can't let her do what she pleases. I'm not signing anything. And if you truly cared about me, you won't make me do it." Giving a low tone, he sent her an imposing look.

Mrs. Esther flowered. "I'm so sorry, Daniel. I shouldn't h—"

Larkin's mouth slacked. He wasn't sure he heard right. "Did you just call me Daniel?"

Blinking for a few seconds, she wheezed out "So sorry. I got so confused and I'm a little tired from work an—"

"You called me Daniel. That's my father's name." Larkin was sure something was up and he didn't like it.

"I know that. I've always known that." Mrs. Esther's lips tightened. "Today has been very long and I made a mistake because of my exhaustion. No big deal. You sure love exaggerating things out of proportion to suit your insane theories."

Scoffing, he said. "Fine, I'll let it slide." Something had to be up with Mrs. Esther but considering their relationship, he knew she wouldn't fess up.

Mrs. Esther pursed her lips. "Just think about what I said. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to give in."

Hi everyone,
It's great to be back.
In a shocking twist of things, the next chapter would be in an unexpected POV (Not Larkin or Callie this time) and I'm hoping you'd get to see this character in a different light.

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now