14. Rough moments

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Callie found herself staring at the Hammell Manor in awe. When she had snuck in almost two weeks ago, she had jumped through the back. But this time she got to see it in its full glory. She couldn't resist walking around the house, just to take a look at it.

Taking a small stroll around, she made a squeak when a deep voice drew out. "Who the hell are you?"

Callie turned her gaze to the young man standing in front of her. He didn't look much older than her, but the eye bags underneath his narrowed brown eyes aged him up a bit. The lower part of his face was covered in a dark trimly cut beard and his long black hair touched his shoulder lightly. He had worn a loose, checkered farm shirt and faded blue jeans that hugged his lean muscles, while holding a garden kettle in one hand. "I work here. I'm new. I'm Callista Blanco, but I'd rather be called Callie."

"Oh, so you're Callista. I only got a glimpse of your hair when you came days ago." A playful grin danced on his lips. "It's nice to meet you, Callie. I'm Maxime. I'm the gardener here. Follow me and I'll take you inside. Mrs. Esther has been waiting for you."

Callie followed him through the door and towards a working Mrs. Esther, who beamed widely when she saw her. "You're on time. I like that. Welcome to your first day." As usual, Mrs. Esther had worn a long flowing dress, but with a different yellow color this time.

Callie smiled politely. "I'm only hoping I enjoy my stay here."

"Don't worry, it'll be fun." Mrs. Esther's blue eyes held a twinkle. "I'll give you a tour around and I'll show you everyone working here."

"While you're at it, try not to annoy the dragon." Maxime added with a wink.

"The dragon?" Callie wasn't sure she heard him right, until he pointed at a framed picture of a smiling younger Larkin hanging on the sparkling white wall. He did look completely different from the usual sunken expression he always wore. Larkin still had his glimmering green eyes, only this time it had an amused glint in it, like he was up to no good and a wide smile beaming from ear to ear. He looked at least fifteen or sixteen, and since his face was bare of any scars, it had to have been taken before his parents' death.

Mrs. Esther whacked his arm lightly. "That's not funny, Max. Stop trying to scare the girl."

Callie cleared her throat. "I'm not scared."

Mrs. Esther wore a pleasant smile and mumbled. "Bless your soul, darling."

Maxime's lips tipped up. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Before turning to his heels and retiring back to work, without giving her the chance to let his words properly sink in.

Mrs. Esther rolled her eyes. "Ignore him. He's just being like this because the young master doesn't get along with him."

"I can see why." Callie muttered.

"He's usually really sweet. Don't mind him. He's just trying to be funny."

A flurry of movements coming from the hallway made them stop talking. Clinks of the walking stick drew nearer as Larkin's features became visible. He had worn a dark coated bathrobe and eased his way towards them, before stopping midway to stare at them. His eyebrows drew together, pulling one of the thick scar slashes on his face into a rough pattern.

The tousled curls of his golden locks arched forward as usual, as his emerald eyes wore a glint of shock. Why did he look surprised to see her, especially when he employed her?

Mrs. Esther quipped. "You're up early."

Larkin's eyes fell on Callie, as she fought the lingering feeling burning inside her from his gaze. "The dog woke me up."

Wanting to ease the awkwardness, Callie waved her hand. "Hey, boss."

"Boss?" His baritone voice held a stiff note. It made her blink at him for a second.

Callie shifted her gaze to Mrs. Esther, disbelieving his words. Mrs. Esther sheepishly smiled at her. Callie resisted a groan. Mrs. Esther didn't tell him? Damn it, she really didn't want to be in the middle of any of this. She said to Larkin. "I work for you now. I'm your new part time housekeeper."

"What about Leona?" The annoyed tone in his voice made Callie frown. If he didn't want her working for him, he should just say it.

Mrs. Esther stated. "She broke her leg, remember? Besides, I need an extra hand. Do you know how much work needs to be done in this house? It has six bathrooms. Six. And that's just within the building."

His words snapped through her. "You should have at least given me a heads up." Callie didn't expect the fury running through her veins. Then again, she didn't expect him to react this way either.

"Hey, what are you getting so hot headed about? It isn't the first time I've run this on my own." Mrs. Esther seemed just as surprised as Callie was.

Larkin scowled. Callie wondered when she hadn't seen him without his signature scowl. "True. But I deserved to know beforehand. Just like the others."

Mrs Esther shrugged. "It skipped my mind, okay? It was my mistake and I should have passed it across to you. I've been so busy with work and I—"

"Give that excuse one more time and I'll flip out again." His eyes narrowed at the elderly woman, as she kept a still look on her face.

Callie's words tore out sharply, halting whatever Mrs. Esther wanted to say. "If you don't want me working for you, then it's fine. I'll leave."

His lips had parted and Callie expected an explosive reaction from him. But all she got a pained expression.

"No, stay." He said, with a resigned sigh. "I didn't mean to sound like an ass. I'm just really in a shitty mood and you have nothing to do with it."

Maybe he wasn't so terrible, after all. Now she felt guilty for reacting the way she did. She bet he thought she was completely nuts. "That's okay. I'm glad we're starting off on a fairly good note. Because I really wanted to punch you."

Callie could swear she caught a faint hint of a smile on his lips. Aha. So he could smile. Even with that little glimpse, it looked so damn good on him and it made her knees go weak. Despite the things Maxime said about him, it was clear that Larkin wasn't how she thought he'd be. "Punch me?"

Callie grinned. "I said, 'wanted to'. Don't forget that part."

Larkin didn't respond. The glimmer of amusement washed away and all that was left was his intense gaze that made the hairs at the back of her neck straighten. She immediately felt a muddle of emotions flood through her. "Did I say something wrong?"

Larkin dropped his gaze, twisting the knob of his walking stick. "I should get going. I have to go do some stuff."

Callie let out a sigh she didn't even realize she was holding when he turned back and walked through the halls he came from.

"He's trying his best. Things are hard for him." Mrs. Esther said in a hushed tone.

Callie felt a shudder race through her and rubbed her arms. Memories of her mom flitted through her mind. Her beautiful face. Her glowing smile. Her kind words. Callie wished she could take back all the moments she had with her mom. "I know that feeling."

Trying her best to lighten the mood, the elderly woman replied. "Now let's start that tour I promised you."

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