39. I think I do

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Callie grinned, when she saw Byron Phelps picking up Nando from a busy Reneé in the kitchen. Reneé pressed a quick kiss on her fiancé's lips. Byron looped an arm around Reneé's waist for a moment and offered a half-smile Callie's way when he and Nando gave their goodbyes.

Smiling to herself, Renee's eyes sparkled when she spoke to Callie. "I'm going to hang back a while till the cupcakes I made get fully baked. I made them for Avó."

"You love baking, don't you?" Smiling back, Callie said.

She stared at Callie for a few seconds. A cloud of hesitation flashed in Renee's eyes. Then a simple shrug sloped in. "I used to run a culinary school with my ex husband. But yes, I love to bake. I had to stop right after Nando was born." Her fists curled into a tight ball and bitterness sunk in her next words. "Lito didn't think I could do both. Be a mother and work at the same time, just because his father made his mother do the same."

Callie watched her vent out her frustrations. She could tell Reneé wasn't telling her out of trust. Probably out of past regrets that she had kept to herself for years. Reneé continued to say. "Then he started to hit me because I wanted to work. The abuse got so much and I had had enough. I left his sorry ass and took my son to stay in this quiet off-the-grid town. Lito made me hate being married and it made it harder for me to pick a damn date for my wedding. Byron is too sweet for his own good. He's this older guy that has a great job and practically worships my feet. He loves Nando like he was his and I know I'm crazy in love with my fiancé. So why can't I just get married to him already?"

Stopping to stare back at Callie's concerned look, Reneé's cheeks flamed in embarrassment and made a quick shake of her head. "I'm sorry I said all that. It's none of your business and the person I usually talk to about stuff like this is my fiancé's mother. I just needed to—"

"To let it all out? I get that feeling sometimes. You're feeling guilty about not marrying him yet? How's that like?" Callie inquired carefully enough to not seem pushy.

Reneé mumbled, with a frown. "It's more like my last marriage experience isn't letting me feel open about the prospect of a new one."

"But Byron's not like your ex and you know it. I wish I could give you a definite answer. I've never been in love, but I have met a lot of people who love each other. That includes you and Byron. It shouldn't be this hard, but that's just how things have turned out to be." Callie told her simply. "Honestly, life's already a mess and it's better not to make it any messier. You're the only one that can make this choice for yourself."

A tired sigh slipped out. "I guess you're right. I have to open my heart and let myself make the right choice."

Callie wished she had more to say, but this was something Reneé needed to figure out on her own.

Dusky hues subdued the fading light, as the sun sank lower in the sky. Callie was ready to pack up and leave when she noticed Larkin playing with Chip, his golden furred Labrador. Long fingers trailed through the hairy dog. His caress was slow and gentle, quaking tiny muscles from his bulging arms. Callie's legs quivered at the sight. She couldn't help wondering what else he could do with those hands. Almost like he could feel her gaze, his head raised and their eyes met.

There was an unusual vulnerable look in those emerald eyes and Callie couldn't help the urge to figure out why. It was like her legs were on autopilot, ignoring the warnings her brain gave and before she knew it, she was standing opposite Larkin.

"I was just about to go home." She had said. His response was just a small nod. He seemed too distracted to pay attention to anything around him. "Is everything okay? You seem off."

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now