3. Beast of all beasts

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"Dad can't go to court. He'll freeze out there. I don't want the court to use his disorder as an excuse and deem him 'crazy' as a final verdict for something he didn't do." Callie argued, folding her arms, which pressed the edges of her breasts against her pleated amaranth dress. After lunch with Aunt Georgia, she headed back home to change out of her school uniform and decided to wear the thin strapped knee length dress she had on right now.

Aunt Georgia had followed her back to the sheriff's department, where a different brown haired deputy (one that wasn't remotely as nice or as sincere as Deputy Doherty was) sat at the front desk and was far more interested in getting into Aunt Georgia's pants, judging from the way he oogled shamelessly at her. Aunt Georgia seemed to catch on, and within seconds, they were standing in front of dad's holding cell, debating his fate.

"We've already talked about this. We have no other choice." Aunt Georgia argued, tangled mane of swooped back, red toned thatch hit her cheeks while her voice raised slightly in adamance.

Abe Blanco's eyes widened. "No way am I standing before anyone. Especially not a judge. They have black cruel eyes that sink people into accepting their choices. They're practically demons."

Callie groaned. "Dad. What did I tell you about calling people demons?"

Abe scratched his head. "Don't."


Abe snorted, rehearsing the words his daughter had told him repeatedly. "And no one likes it."

Callie snapped her fingers. "Good. Hold on to that, dad."

"I wouldn't say that if I haven't seen them turn to demons." Abe countered.

Callie's mouth dragged open in shock and Aunt Georgia quickly said. "How about a sit down with your boss at work, Abe? We could plead on their compassion. They haven't fired you despite finding the heirloom with you. We just need to convince them that you didn't do it and how you're clearly not a danger to them."

Abe Blanco scoffed. "Corporate businesses are money hungry companies that are willing to drag any one beneath them down. My bosses are beasts who wouldn't care about anything you say. If you want a full guarantee, you could look for the Hammell kid."

"The Hammell kid?" Her full eyebrows swept up.

Abe nodded. "The absentee CEO and the highest shareholder in Hammell Corp. He hasn't come to work, not since the accident, but he's still my boss. His one verdict can overrule everything else. He's the beast of all corporate beasts in Hammell Corp."

Aunt Georgia glanced at Callie, who shared her concerned look. "And where do we find, this so called 'beast of all beasts'?"

Abe mused. "Everyone knows the Hammell Manor. It's where he hides to live out the rest of his days. At least, that's what they say."

"I thought you don't have any friends at work?" Callie's eyebrows drew closer.

Abe shifted in his weight. "I really don't. I have ears. Eavesdropping is not a crime, is it? Cause the kid's all they talk about."

Aunt Georgia sighed. "Okay, I'll go early tomorrow morning before work, so—"

Callie immediately protested. Aunt Georgia had done so much for them and it just felt right to do one thing by herself. "No, let me do it. Dad said so himself. He's a kid—"

Abe chipped in. "At least eighteen or nineteen. I can't really say. He's still so young and had to take over the company right after his parents died."

"That means he'd be closer to my age and easier for him to sympathize with my problem. I'll make sure he drops the charges. Let me do this, please." Callie quickly retorted.

Aunt Georgia cursed quietly, then said. "Fine. You have one shot. If you mess up then I'll have to go in for reinforcement. This is important, Lissie. You can't mess it up."

Ava dropped her backpack on the sofa and looked over at Callie warily. "Where's dad? He's always back home at this time."

The words tumbled out of Callie's mouth before she could siphon it back. "He's out on a work retreat. He'll be back before tomorrow evening."

Her little sister's expression turned deadpanned. For a ten year old, Avalyn Eira Blanco could be intimidating if she wanted to be. She craned her glasses to the bridge of her nose. Her caramel irises narrowed. "Dad? Our same dad with paranoia and social anxiety went for a work retreat? One that requires interacting with people and could involve touching too? Abe Hénri Blanco agreed to that?"

Callie almost facepalmed herself. Of all the excuses she'd ever come up with, this was officially the worst. She didn't even think it through. Damn it. She screwed up so bad. "Did I say work retreat? I mean a solo psych retreat. His psychologist recommended it."

"Do you think I'm dumb? Dad has been fine. He's taking his meds. I even saw him say hello to our neighbor. That's the first time he has ever acknowledged Mr. Chuck since we moved to Jubilee Grove a year ago. That's what people call progress."

Callie groaned inwardly. Ava was way too smart to deceive. Her sweet cherubic face didn't look sweet or cherubic anymore. It looked concerned, and there was no way she was worrying Ava with the truth like that. "He had a minor breakdown and his psychologist recommended this. He's fine. He's even having the best time of his life there. He told me."

"So he didn't bother to call me? Not even for a second?" Ava sent her a crestfallen look.

"They're not allowed phones. It's their policy. I think it's dumb too." Callie made an attempt at a joke. She really needed to lighten the situation and win Ava's trust.

Ava chuckled. "Okay, fine. I feel better knowing he's at a retreat. For a second, I thought he was in jail or sent to a psych ward. How crazy would that be?"

Callie darted her gaze away, quickly changing the subject. She certainly didn't want Ava to notice how nervous she was, considering how perceptive her little sister is. "You don't mind staying alone, do you? Maybe I could drop you off at Aunt Georgia's place. I have to get to work now or I'll be late for my shift."

Ava pressed her lips in a tight frown. "I'm ten. I'm sure I can handle myself."

"Oh really, I had no idea ten was the new eighteen. I guess I've been mistaken all these while." Callie teased, a glint of humor flashing in her eyes.

Ava rolled her eyes and picked up her backpack, heading to the staircase. "I'm going to my room."

"Don't leave the house. No funny business. No bringing friends over. Do your homework. I'll be back before dinner." Callie called out. Ava grunted in response, her darker hair swishing behind her as she climbed up the stairs.

Scars To Your Beautiful : A Modern Beauty and the Beast retelling ✔Where stories live. Discover now