creating lines

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"Well? How did it go?!" Hitch asked excitedly.

"I'm so excited! The exhibition starts at 8!" You cheered as you squeezed Hitch's hand excitedly.

"All those damn nights you spend awake finally are paying off. I'm proud of you y/n!" She assured while hugging you.

"I'm gonna get out of your hair now so you can prepare. Let me know how it goes!" She insisted while standing up.

You nodded as she closed the door behind her out of your apartment. You hopped in the shower to dress accordingly for the exhibition in the museum and you wanted to give a good impression.

It was a bit of a drive but your art was already there so all you had to do was get ready and drive.

It was a bit of a drive but your art was already there so all you had to do was get ready and drive

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You grabbed your keys off the counter and rushed down to your car. Once you got inside you started your 45-minute drive into the city where the exhibition was being held. You arrived a bit earlier just as you wanted, you parked outside the museum and began walking up the cement steps.

"Ah! Miss.L/N, your work is up on the hall to the left on the right wall!" The host instructed.

"Thank you," you replied while walking to the location instructed.

Guest began coming up to see all the artwork and a few people started gathering near yours. You took it upon yourself to walk around as well, every time you walked past your art more and more people appeared to admire your paintings.

"This is very nice,"

"Yes, I agree the usage of the entire canvas while maximizing detail is stunning,"

You heard as you walked by, you continued walking around the museum as an hour went by. At this point, a crowd of people had admired your painting and you felt a sense of accomplishment for your first exhibition.

"It appears your artwork is doing really well," the host blurted next to you.

"Yes...I'm very pleased," you muttered.

"I'm sure you'll accomplish amazing things," she complimented before walking away.

Another thirty minutes went by and the night was growing later. You saw people leaving and not many people were left but there was a man who was staring at your painting by himself.

"You've been standing here for a while," you blurted while standing next to the man.

The aura was different when you stood next to him, you could feel more of the coolness from the air conditioning and the rest of the room sounded muffled as he stood in silence.

The sound of heels clicking the floor slowly went away and all that was left was him, the slick man bun that revealed a bit of his neck tattoo and the two sleeves of tattoos on his arms.

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