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You stared at him with your arms crossed as he waited for your reply. You couldn't lie your way out of this one nor did you want to. You could your chest get heavy as your throat tightened with each minute that passed of his stare.

A stare that looked right through you, reading you like an open book.

"How did you know that y/n?" He questioned again with a bit more authority in his tone.

"The pills. I looked up what they were for," you replied softly.

"For what reason?"

" I was worried you were sick," you informed as he clenched his jaw again and contemplated something.


"And you are." You cut off as you tightened your hands over your chest.

"I'm not,"

"Carlos just said "for your health's sake" not only do these help you mentally but insomnia takes a toll on your body-"

"Drop it. We don't need to discuss this," he snapped.

"Yes, we do. So if you disagree with me whatever but use your fucking communication skills without throwing a fit!" You snapped as you made a gesture towards the desk.

"No our discussion is over. I'm not taking them,"

"And why is that? Don't you dare say it's because you "don't need them"," you insisted.

"Enlighten me on why it matters that much? Or better yet why the hell does it matter to you?!" He argued back.

"Really Eren?!"


"Fine. Do whatever you want because I refuse to do this childish ass arguing every time I give you a sliver of sympathy!" You groaned as grabbed your keys.


"You can't sex or buy ice cream your way out of this one Eren. When you come to your senses don't bother apologizing for either because you clearly don't give a shit about yourself, so how could I expect you to give a shit about me?!" You shouted as you walked past and around him to the door.

You walked down the hall and down the wooden steps visibly upset with him and he slowly followed behind you as you made your way to the front door. You opened the front door and of course, Historia stood there.

"Well this is just the fucking icing on the cake isn't it, perfect timing!" You shouted back at him.

"I'm here to make sure he's been taking his pills. That's all,"

"Oh, so even she knew about the problems you had before me?! You're a fucking dick," you snapped as the words slid off your tongue like butter.

He rolled his eyes as he stood behind you in the living room and you walked past Historia to meet Carlos in the driveway.

"Historia. Leave," he blurted.

"I just-"

"If you come here again without permission I'm not going to be as lenient as I've been. So get out," he demanded as Carlos opened the car door for you.


"No can you take me to the museum I left my car parked there,"

"Oh, I had it towed back to your apartment when you were getting ice cream," he informed as he started driving you home.

"Do you know why he won't take the pills?" You blurted after a couple of moments of silence in the car.

"After the accident with his mother, his dad ended up with the same problems of insomnia. Eren refuses to take them because he's afraid he'll end up like his dad," he informed.


"It's not my place to tell you what exactly happened to his mother but right before Grisha was arrested, he gave Eren the Prazosin when he was only around 17 I believe. I'm sure you can guess how that went," he informed.


"A 17-year-old body who just witnessed his mother dying, father sent off to jail right after and about to go to college. He didn't know what the pills were for but when he used them it only made him angrier and reckless...constantly," Carlos replied as he drove.

You felt waves of sadness and sympathy come over you as you understood what he was getting at. Grisha gave Eren the pills which only made Eren more like his father...constantly angry at any and everything. He was already traumatized from his mother's death and Grisha used it to his advantage on an impressionable teenager.

"Is his health at risk because of the untreated insomnia?" You asked.

"Yes, he's at risk for many multiple conditions that are all fatal. He doesn't seem to care much when I tell him about them though..." Carlos muttered.

You sat back and thought as he drove, you didn't know what you could do for him. You didn't even know how to be there for him or if he even wanted your help at all. He wasn't cooperative and he didn't want to be cooperative which made things harder than they had to be.

Trying to be there for someone who didn't want to express how they felt or receive help was extremely difficult and tiring. You think it was best to take a small break from each other and allow both of you to cool off and regroup.

"We're here," Carlos blurted as he interrupted your thoughts.

"Thank you, Carlos. Let me know if anything happens," you replied as you got out of the car.

"Of course, enjoy your night,"

You walked back up to your apartment and immediately went to bed after putting your stuff down. You weren't sure you'd have the energy to go to work tomorrow so you planned on working from home.

You woke up later than usual in the day and walked out to your art desk to plan some pieces for a collection you wanted to release.

You sketched things out for a couple of hours as you thought about what to do, yet you couldn't come up with anything.

You wondered if after you left he took the pills but you highly doubted it because he was so stubborn. You wanted to check on him, you really did but you worried it would only be make things worse.

"Carlos?" You greeted them as you just called him.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" He replied.

"No, I was wondering...did Eren end up taking the pills?" You asked.

"I'm not sure, he hasn't left his office and the door is locked," he replied.

You hung up and grabbed your jacket off the chair while walking toward the door. If he couldn't give you an answer, you knew exactly who could.

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