killing me

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"Oh, Zeke. I'm not drunk just here and we'll be fine. Thank you though, you muttered as you closed the passenger door.

Hitch stuck her arm out the window and pointed to Zeke.

"That's the man who told me about Aaron!" she cheered with slurred speech.

"Hitch put your arm back in the car please," you stated as you walked to the other side of the car and got in.

Zeke moved out the way and walked out the parking lot to back inside the club. You wondered if Eren was actually the person Hitch was talking about but you were too tired to comprehend anything else other than getting Hitch to your house.

You drove her back home and getting her up your steps was a hassle, she leaned against you while you tried to open the door with your keys and you dragged her inside to finally throw her on the bed.

"What would you do without me?" You groaned as you were out of breath.

"Hmm I think I'd be passed out on the floor," she said with a laugh as she closed her eyes.

She was sleeping in a starfish position, taking up your whole bed so you grabbed a blanket and went to go sleep on the couch. Your body was already aching from Eren and now it hurt more from Hitch accidentally elbowing you as you dragged her up the stairs.

You woke up to the awakening of an idea. You felt as if it may have been a bit childish but there's only one way to find out.

As you got up you saw a note on the counter from Hitch with 200$.

"Thanks for taking care of me baby! Go buy yourself something pretty-Hitch"

You smiled softly and got up to get in the shower and get ready for the day. After you got out of the shower you checked your phone and saw a message from Sasha.

She was asking if you'd like to go downtown and hang out for a bit while walking around and getting dessert. You obviously agreed and changed into something nice for the cool hot-ish weather.

You texted her that you were on your way as you walked down the steps to your car and headed out to meet her downtown.

As you drove you felt relief as you realized you hadn't heard from Eren in a bit. He no longer pestered you with his fantasy of "helping" you. You parked outside the yogurt shop Sasha sent and walked inside.

"Hey, Sasha!" You greeted as she stood up from her chair to hug you.

"I'm glad you could make it," she replied while you both walked to fill up your bowls with frozen yogurt.

"I saw you talking to Zeke Yeager last night! He's a really good artist," she muttered as you filled your bowl.

"Wait huh? His last name is Jaeger?"

"No, it's Yeager...with a Y," she stated.

"Uh, that sounds a lot like Jaeger," you muttered while you paid.

"Hm. I guess you're right but who's the last name is-...oh," she pondered as you walked out the shop and started walking down the strip sidewalk.

"Hm, do you think he's related to Eren?" She asked while eating.

"Who knows? Or I guess there's a slim chance that it's a coincidence...maybe I'll ask him about it later," you stated as you licked your spoon.

"That's really odd though. He's never mentioned a brother and one has blonde hair while the other has brown," she muttered.

"I agree. I'll just have to ask him if I get the chance maybe,"

You continued walking and talking and she was a really good conversationalist to your surprise. She told you some great stories as you walked and you caught her staring inside a gym.

"What's up?"

"Is that Eren?" She blurted.

"Oh for fucks sake," you groaned as you confirmed that it was Eren.

"Go ask him! I'm curious now," Sasha laughed.

You threw away your bowl and opened the gym door as Eren was lifting weights with his earbuds in. Dressed in grey sweats and a fitted white tee you noticed something different.

There was another nipple piercing on the other side. Your eyes traced back up to his face as you interrupted.

"Y/N?" He asked.

"I have a question," you blurted.

"Uh, can you ask later? I'm busy-"

"Nope. It's urgent," you insisted.

"Fine, let me shower first." He said as he dropped the weights.

You nodded and walked out to go inform Sasha.

"You don't even have to say anything! But Monday morning you have to tell me everything!" She stated as she walked off.

"I will!" You replied.

You turned and walked back into the gym and waiting on the chairs for him to finish and shower. 20 minutes had passed and he came back out with his hair a bit damp and in sweats with another basic shirt.

"What is the question about before I answer?" He asked.

"Your family," you blurted boldly.

You saw his eyes widen just a bit and he continued walking.

"Give me your car keys," he demanded.


"I'm going to have someone drive your car back because we can talk at my house. Not here," he stated.

"Or I could drive myself there..."

"Either give me your keys or don't ask your question. One or the other," he demanded as you walked to his car.

You groaned and handed him your keys. He unlocked his car for your and walked off to where you assume he gave your keys for one of his drivers to drive back.

"Why are you being so dramatic about this? It's just a simple question I could ask it right now and then be out of your way," you asked.

"You don't know, do you?" He asked.

"Know what...?"

"Nothing, we can talk about it when we get there," he brushed off as he started the car and pulled off.

Your entire car ride was silent but thankfully it wasn't that long of a ride since he lived close. Things felt a bit tense since you mention his family, he got out of the car and you followed behind him to his office from what it looked like.

He sat down on the couch that was in there and you joined him.

"Well?" He asked.

"Would you prefer me to be completely straightforward about it or ask the follow-up questions first?"

"Straightforward," he replied.

"Do you have a brother? More specifically are you related to Zeke?" You blurted aloud.

He chuckled a bit as his eyes wandered somewhere else other than you.

"Hm," he replied.

"That's not an answer,"

"I know that smart ass. To put it simply, yes. Zeke is my brother," he replied with a slight grin on his face.

"Why do I feel like you're lying?"

"Because I am,"

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