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"Oh, hello. I'm Pieck...I was interested in buying one of your pieces and Director Mikasa told me I'd find you in here!" She informed.

"Oh, yeah definitely. You can contact me through my email...here," you handed her your card and she nodded as she observed it.

She walked toward the door and stopped with her hand on the doorknob.

"Hey, by any chance do you know someone named Historia?" She asked.

"Uh...yeah? Why?"

"Oh. No reason, just making sure," she walked out the door and Eren entered not a second after.

"What was that about?" He asked.

You crossed your arms as you thought about what she said. "Just making sure," , what is that even supposed to mean?

"Helloooooo? Y/N?" He blurted as he waved his hand on your face.

"Sorry. It's nothing,"

"No, something was just on your mind so tell me. What happened?" He asked again.

"That woman just came in and said she was interested in buying my art. I gave her my card then she proceeded to ask me if I knew Historia. When I asked why she asked she said "just making sure"?" You informed as you squinted your eyes a bit.

"What's her name?" He questioned.

"Pieck...I didn't get her last name," he replied as you turned to look at him.


"Do you know her?" You questioned.

"I do,"

You weren't expecting him to say that he did but your attention shifted from the window to his face.
You waited for him to elaborate but he didn't, he just stared back at you in silence as well.


"She's nobody important so I don't think I need to give each and every detail about how I know her," he replied.

"Yeah but I asked. The last time you said "it's no one" she ended up being your ex so-"

"That's not the same. It's a bit more complicated than that," he replied calmly as you stood in front of each other.

"You're such a bad liar. If it's not important then why is it so hard to tell me?" You pestered.

"Because if it's not important what is the significance of knowing? It's not like I'm gonna go fuck her after this or something? We probably won't see her again,"  he informed.

You scoffed at him as you rolled your eyes and proceeded to take a step forward to walk away from him. He grabbed your hand as he leaned against your desk and made you stand in front of him.

"You were the one who said I needed better communication skills yet when we have a disagreement you're trying to walk away. Stop," he muttered.

"You're not communicating either? All I asked was how you knew her and you're making it bigger than it is," you replied.

"Says the one who's worried about someone who's insignificant," he replied.

"Oh. Is she insignificant to you then?"

"I already s-"

"No. I said, is she insignificant to you?" You questioned him as you crossed your arms while waiting for a reply.

"Yes," he replied softly.

"Can we stop arguing now?" He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss while squeezing your hand for reassurance.

You nodded and he walked in front of you out of your office. As you were walking down the hall, Pieck approached.

"Hey, Eren!" She greeted him as she hugged him with her arms wrapped around his neck.

You glanced down at the floor while biting the inside of your cheek a bit as you nodded your head and sighed. He was frozen in front of you.

"Of course," you whispered.


You walked around Eren without glancing back and joined everyone else in the open room. You felt a sense of anger as you joined the others, angry because you knew you liked him more than you were letting on but he made it so hard for you.

He seemed to always make things harder than they needed to be and you couldn't understand why. You stared at a couple more paintings before you looked at your phone and decided to just go home.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mikasa," you announced as you walked out the door.

She and Sasha waved while you walked down the steps to the parking lot. You made a left and saw your car parked, as you approached Eren grabbed your hand.

You snatched it back and continued to avoid looking at him.

"I don't want to talk to you,"

"It's not what you think. I'd never do some-"

"Clearly it is what I "think" because you didn't even wanna tell me who she was in the first place. Why the hell is being honest such a struggle for you?" You snapped at him.

"It's not like that." He blurted.

"Stop lying to me. Just stop in general because like I said before how can I expect you to care about me when you don't even care about yourself?" You protested as you stared at him for a moment then walked back to your car.

You pulled out of the parking lot and drove yourself back home. You didn't feel like giving Eren another chance to explain himself, you two weren't together so there was no point in bickering about it anymore. You were both free to do whatever or whoever you liked so you hated how you were upset by this.

When you walked up the steps you saw Eren waiting for you against the door.

"Y/N please-"

"Just let it go. It doesn't matter anyway, right? Since everything is so insignificant to you?" You scoffed at him as you held your keys.

"You're not insignificant to me." He blurted.

"I obviously am since all you do is either not tell me anything at all or lie about what you tell me,"

"Why would I lie about that?" He asked.

"Why wouldn't you lie about that?" You replied.

"Oh, so when I took you to the museum you'd wanted to see for years, carried you back to my car, painted you to hang in my house, offered to help you in art... that was me lying?" He provoked.

"You're forgetting when you told me multiple times you disliked my artwork, refused to give me full sentence answers, and publicly insulted my artwork Eren," you replied.

He looked at you with a straight face and approached a bit closer, he kissed you on the cheek and whispered.

"Let me know when you're ready to have a civil conversation," he whispered.

His hands were in the pockets of his suit and he walked off behind you back down the stairs. You stood still for a moment before opening the front door and walking inside.

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