right now

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You groaned as you woke up and Eren was sitting on the edge of the end of the bed with his back to you as he looked at his phone.

"Morning. I thought you were dead a couple of times," he muttered as he turned to look at you.

"Very funny. What time is it?"

"Like 2," he replied calmly as you stood up.

You nodded as you got up and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Hitch wanted to see me today. Did you wanna come or something?" You asked while rubbing your eye.

"Sure. Hitch is certainly the character," he joked as he stood up.

He was already dressed while you were still in pajamas. He led you back to his car and Hitch texted you she was on her way as Eren approached your house.

"We should make cookies. Maybe she won't hit me if I do," you muttered while opening the door.

"Hit you?"

"Yeah I didn't tell her what happened she still thinks you slept with Historia," you explained as you walked into the kitchen with him.


You walked into the kitchen and started making her cookies from scratch. As you rolled the dough into balls while Eren spectated from behind, Hitch walked into the kitchen.

"You man whore!" She snapped.

His head turned and so did yours mid-ball-rolling.

"Hitch! I'm making you cookies!" You cheered as you tried to distract her.

"I don't care. Why is he here?" She demanded.

You began explaining to her the entire situation while she held a knife in her hand from the kitchen drawer. Eren stood behind you as you talked with your hands as you rambled on and on nervously.

"Mmhmm...I'm veryyy skeptical but I see," she stated.

"Can you put the knife down now?" you asked as she lowered it onto the counter.

You sighed with relief and started making the cookies again while she stared at Eren who was leaned against the counter.

"You pull something like that again and I'll kill you," she whispered aggressively in his ear.

You avoided looking at him as Hitch threatened him and you put the cookies into the oven. You stood back up and saw the look of pure fear on his face. You turned your head back to look at the over while Hitch sat on your couch casually as if nothing happened and turned on the tv.

"So...how was the redemption sex Eren?!" Hitch pestered from the couch.

She had her arm on the back of the couch as Eren sat on the barstools and watched you bake.

"Hitch!" You snapped at her.

"What? I wanna know...remember what I told you about the sex being better if he-"

"Be quiet!" You snapped again while cleaning up the kitchen.

Eren got up and sat next to Hitch while you were washing dishes and started whispering while hitch giggled and winked at you.

"Eren!?" You shouted.

"What? The girl wants to know so might as well tell her. Do you wanna hear too?" He expressed.

You shook your head as you cleaned and Hitch made many expressions going from shocked to interested and shocked again while glancing at you.

"So then we moved to the kitchen and-"

"The cookies are done! Perfect fucking timing," you interrupted as you opened the oven.

You grabbed the tray with oven mitts and placed them down on the counter. Hitch and Eren got up but when Eren grabbed a cookie Hitch smacked his hand and he dropped the cookie.

"Don't touch my cookies," she demanded as she side-eyed him.

"So you're going to eat all these?"  He asked her.

"Yes, I am. Have a good day, goodbye," she put the cookies into a freezer bag and walked out the front door with a bag of cookies.

"Wow..." Eren muttered under his breath while sitting down on the barstool.

She locked the door behind her and you stood in the middle of the kitchen.

"Well, now what?"

"I'm supposed to go speak to the police chief again but I don't really feel like it," he muttered while you walked to sit on the couch.

"Just go, better to deal with it now than later. Is it about your dad?" You asked while sitting.

"Nah I haven't heard from him in a while it's because of the accident," Eren stated.

"Oh. Be careful, okay?"

"Of course. I'll be back soon," he leaned down and kissed you from behind the couch and turned to walk out the door.


I hated going to these stupid discussions. All they do is tell me to clean up my act then I just do it again, no point at all. Hopefully today they have donuts out front so I can take a couple.

I was driving down to the station and prepared myself to hear an earful from the chief. I opened the glass door and saw one of the officers sitting behind the desk.

"Back again? What is it this time?" She asked.

"Oh you know the usual, illegal racing," I teased while grabbing a donut off her desk.

"Chiefs in the back," she replied.

"Got it. Think he'll be happy to see me?" I joked while walking.

"For sure. He's in a great mood today and seeing you will make him so happy!" She replied sarcastically while I opened his office door.

"Hey princess! Your favorite person is back,"

"Oh my god. When will you settle down and act like a normal human being?" He groaned while I sat down in the same leather chair.

"Define normal? I think my behavior is perfectly fine,"

"Your mother would be so disappointed in you and herself if she knew how often you were in and out of charges. Just...chill out," he remarked.


"I don't think you realize how dangerous it really is Eren. What happens if you get in an accident and a shard of glass ends up stabbing you? Do you not have anyone that you go to every night?!" He snapped at me as he held papers in his hand.


The thought of inflicting that sort of pain on her simply because of my ignorance creating a knot in my stomach.

"I'll consider it," I blurted.

"Thank you...finally," he muttered.

"We done here? I have the money,"

"Yeah yeah. Make this your last please you're aging me 20 years faster," he groaned as I got up.

I handed him the money owed and walked out the door. I was reconsidering my life choices, I already risked a lot by racing but I'd never considered how y/n felt about it.


You sat in your art studio and painted while he was gone. You heard his car approaching in the parking lot and got up to go open it.

You walked down the steps and around the kitchen to unlock the front door.


"I need to ask you something," he interrupted.

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