earned it

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You got up from your seat and pushed your chair in. You first walked down to the bathroom and knocked on the men's door but nobody replied. You looked around for a couple of minutes inside the restaurant before you went through the exit door which led to an alley away.

The brick walls and dirty floor between two builds wasn't a very ideal scenery but you saw Eren. He was leaned up against the brick wall with his head tilted back a bit as you watched the smoke escape from his lips and the smell of weed take over.

His neck tattoo was fully exposed at this point and you closed the door behind you as you approached him.

"Shit. Did something happen?" He muttered as he moved the blunt from his lips.

Your heels were clicking into the cement as you approaching him with a slight grin.

"No, why would you think something is wrong despite you leaving for 30 minutes? I should be the one asking you if something's wrong," you joked as you moved to stand near him.

"You ready to go?" He asked as he ignored your question.

"Yeah," you agreed and you both walked into the restaurant again.

Erwin was waiting for you all at the door and you walked past the tables to get to the door as Eren was behind you. A waiter quickly walked past you with hot trays and Eren put his hands on your hips and quickly pulled you onto him to avoid getting in the way of the waiter.

His hand was oddly colder than before and you felt your back against his chest.

"My bad," he whispered as you waited for the waiters to walk past.

You finally found an opening and caught up with Erwin. You slipped out of Erens grasp and went to walk out the door to his car.

"It was great seeing you again. I look forward to your next exhibition so invite me this time!" He insisted.

"I will!"

"And as for you..." Erwin stated as he pulled Eren to the side.

Eren unlocked the car for you as he talked with Erwin and you sat in the passenger seat while Erwin stood with his hand on Erens shoulder.

You were curious as to what they were talking about but you couldn't hear from inside the car. Eren laughed at something he said and then they both parted ways as Eren got back in the car.

"What'd he say?" You asked.

"Nothing important," he said with a slight grin.

Despite being stuck with him you considered this a good dinner, you got to catch up with Erwin and learned more about Eren. He drove with a slight slouch as he took you back to his house. It was around 7:30 last time you checked so it had gotten a bit dark outside when he parked in the driveway.

"Come on," he demanded.

"What are you gonna have me do this time?" You asked as you walked through the front door.

"You need to learn to draw with your eyes closed as I said before. Learning how things feel and look rather than creating them in your mind, I'm gonna blindfold you and have you draw what you feel," he informed.

"That's actually smart as hell. Did Erwin teach you that?" You asked as you walked behind him to his art studio.

"No my moth-...yeah he taught me in college," he stated calmly.

You didn't question him about it but just followed him to the studio where he had you sitting on the couch.

"Here, you can put it on yourself whenever you're ready," he informed as he handed you the cloth.

You nodded and wrapped it around your eyes, he grabbed your hand and guided it to a circular object that was on the table while giving you the pen and paper.

"Eren is this an orange...?" You questioned with a slight laugh.

"Just draw it," he replied jokingly.

You drew the circle as you kept your hand on the orange. He switched between various objects, a box, pencils, and so on.

"Give me your arm," you demanded.


"You told me to work on anatomy, so give me your arm," you demanded again.

You heard a bit of ruffling with your eyes closed before he gave you his arm and you began sketching out the shape before you noticed something.



"Why does your arm feel bare?" You asked.

"Because I took my shirt off," he blurted.

"What?!" You snatched your hand back and lifted your blindfold.

"If you wanted to see me shirtless all you had to do was ask," he said with a laugh as his hands rested on his hips.

You observed his body as he stood in front of you shirtless. He was more muscular than you'd assume based on how often he'd wear long sleeves. He watched as you stared at him in the middle of his studio as you sat on the couch.

He had huge windows in the room and didn't turn the light on despite it being night time all he turned on was the lamp next to the couch which illuminated his skin in a hypnotizing manner.

He smirked as he saw you looked him up and down and moved into you a bit closer. He grabbed your hand and placed it on his abs while your blindfold was still up.

You began to feel your face grow hot with each carve in his body as you run your fingers down his skin. He let go of your hand as he chuckled a bit and he expected you to back your hand off as well except, you didn't.

Your hand ran down to his v-line as you sketched out with your dominant hand in silence, all you could hear was your nervous breathing.

"Oh?" He whispered as he slipped your blindfold off.

"Your eyes weren't uncovered...hm," he muttered.

You saw him unbuckled his pants and he grabbed your hand and placed it over the bulge in his pants. You slid your hand down further and you could feel the heat from inside his pants as he smirked at you touching him in such a lewd way.

"Why did you stop? My dick doesn't end there, keep drawing." He whispered in your ear as he slipped the blindfold back down over your eyes.

You could feel how hard he was and each vein that ran down his body. You could tell he enjoyed seeing you flustered just by looking at him.

You pressed your hand down further despite being embarrassed you were dying of curiosity. Your hand was tight in his pants as you could feel him smirking at you, you knew he was enjoying this.

He leaned down a bit to whisper in your ear.

"Enjoying yourself, are we? If you keep going I'll get the impression you like my dick more than me," he teased as you drew.

You felt his breath against your neck and you knew if you stayed any longer things would turn out different than you planned. You slid your hand out of his pants and took the blindfold off.

"Dick got your tongue y/n?" He teased as he picked fun at your awkwardness.

You stood up and grabbed your phone to call an Uber. He snatched your phone out of your hand and turned it off.

"I'll have one of my men drive you home," he informed as he turned to grab his shirt.

You took your phone back and rushed out of the room and you heard him laughing as you left quickly. A man waited for you at the front door and you followed behind him.

You were upset with yourself but not for the reasons you thought you'd be, you were upset you stopped it before going any further...

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