it starts

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You walked out of the plain white meeting room, yet again the sounds of your shoes hitting the floor rang in your ears. You stopped near an art piece to appreciate it for a moment until your phone rang.

You looked back up at the painting as you paused for a moment to keep yourself together

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You looked back up at the painting as you paused for a moment to keep yourself together. The air conditioning softened the sound of your breathing and people walking by, you saw the director walk out the room and she glanced at you hoping you'd say something. You ignored her and moved to focus on the painting next to you.

You heard the sounds of heavier boots approach you as you remained focused on the art in front of you.

"I'd like to apoligi-"

"No, you wouldn't. You don't even actually care that you've insulted me and my work, you're only apologizing because you were told to. As I said before when you insult me...say it with your chest Eren,'" you snapped while walking around him.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you're taking this to heart. I've been criticized many times-"

"Good thing I'm not you then, huh? We don't need to meet again after this," you stated while walking toward the front door.

You walked out the door and headed towards your car, you saw the address that Hitch texted you and decided to meet her there. You refused to allow an incompetent man to stop or prevent you from thriving in the industry. You'd worked your ass off in art school to get this ar and you had no plans on going back on your goal of becoming well known in the art industry.

You'd get in contact with the other museum after meeting with Hitch. After starting your car you began driving out to the restaurant they were at, you tried to ease your mind of Eren as you drove.

You parked after 30 minutes and got out to meet them inside. They were sitting at a table and you walked to join them as they were talking.

"Hey!" Historia greeted.

"Hey, Historia! Hey Hitch," you greeted as well.

"How have you been? I heard you had an art expedition recently!" She asked.

"It was good! I've been having problems with another artist but I'm moving to another museum so I won't have to worry about it anymore," you informed.

"Oh, that's good-"

"Excuse me, what?! You cut off the hot artist guy?!" Hitch interrupted.

"Well yeah, after I went to his house and then flaked a bit we ended up crossing paths in a meeting and he refused to allow my artwork to be showcased," you replied.

"You went to his house?! Oh my god? Did anything happen?!"

"Hitch, I've known this man for less than a week..." you replied.

"So? If I were you'd I would have sailed that ship a long time ago, probably would've pounced on him like a tiger," she muttered.

"We know Hitch," You and Historia said at the same time while laughing.

"Oh yeah, he also had these paintings of the same woman in like ten different canvases. I don't know who she is though and he got upset when I uncovered them," you blurted.

"Really? What if he's a stalker or some shit? Did she look young or older?" Hitch asked.

"A bit older but not like granny old, her hair was still all brown. She looked kind of familiar but I don't know why because I don't recognize her," you replied.

"Hmm, maybe if you guys got closer I'd say ask him but you two aren't close at all," Historia stated.

"I agree but I'm kinda curious to know who the woman is," Hitch added.

"Anyway, have you talked to Connie recently? I haven't been able to get in contact with him recently," Hitch asked.

"Oh, he didn't tell you? He went on tour again, you know with his music and everything it's been taking off. I saw an article yesterday appreciating all his tattoos and piercings and how it matches his music," you informed.

"Oh shit, you guys are still best friends after all this time?" Historia asked.

"Duh, he's just been super busy recently so I haven't seen him much. He comes back in a couple of months I think? I'm not sure," you stated while fries were plated in front of you.

"Well, what are ya gonna do about Eren?" Historia asked.

"What do you mean? He's not my problem anymore," you replied.

Your evening carried on with talking to them for another hour and eventually parting ways to head back home. As you left the restaurant you noticed it began to sprinkle a bit like the grey clouds formed above you.

"Well, shit," you muttered.

"Such language isn't prohibited in my class!" A familiar voice mocked jokingly.

"Professor Erwin Smith!!" You cheered as you turned your head to greet him with a hug.

"Oh please, you're not in college anymore. Just call me Erwin," he assured as he hugged you back with the umbrella in his hand.

"Of course. How have you been?" You asked as it began raining harder.

"Maybe we should chat in a better setting, are you free to join me for some sweets?" He asked.

"Of course! I'll meet you at the bakery downtown?"

He nodded and walked you to your car to cover you with the umbrella. He closed your car door and walked to his while you pressed the start button for your car.

You pulled out the parking spot and began your short drive to the bakery downtown. Erwin was your art professor in college, a professor was an understatement of your relationship. He helped you more than you could thank him for, he was a great teacher as well always pushing you to the limit.

It began to rain harder so once you parked infront of the bakery you grabbed your jacket and got out of the car to meet Erwin inside.

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