leaving me

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You spent your time alone to start paintings again. All your stuff from your apartment had been moved over, you painted for hours a time. Hitch was coming back today so you looked forward to seeing her, you texted her the address.

You were sitting in your art studio and saw that it was almost time for Hitch to arrive. You walked downstairs quietly and went to make some coffee.

You'd been keeping it together for a while, so much had happened within the span of a week. You heard the door being opened since you left it unlocked and Hitch walked in.

"Y/N?" She questioned.

You were in your pajamas as she came around the corner, you turned and smiled at her softly.

"Hey y/n!" She cheered.

You smiled at her as you poured your coffee and stared at her.

"Hey. Are you okay?" She asked as she looked at your face that looked a bit underwhelming.

"How was your trip?" You asked as you put your hand on the counter and leaned against it while drinking from a mug.

"That's not what I asked. What happened with Eren?"  She asked again.

"So it was fun? What did you do the rest of the days?" You asked as you walked to the couch.

"Cut the bullshit y/n! What the fuck happened?!" She snapped at you while coming to stand in the living room next to you.

You sat down on the couch as she waited for your reply.

"Eren was sleeping next to Historia when I came to check on him," you blurted with a straight face.

"Oh my god...y/n I'm so so-"

"So how was the trip?" You asked again while smiling softly at her.

"Stop. Just stop deflecting your emotions for one second y/n! It's okay to feel any emotion other than stress and happiness every once in a while!" She expressed while sitting next to you.

"I'm fine-"

"Lie again. I dare you," she snapped.

"I did not drive 45 minutes in the fucking rain for you to sit here and look at me like I'm stupid. Cry for fucks sake!" She shouted.

You let out a small laugh at her harshness as tears began rolling down your cheek involuntarily. She pulled you onto her chest as you cried a bit harder, you refuse to sob how you felt so you kept it to a minimum.

She stroked your back for a couple of minutes as she comforted you.

"I'm gonna kick his ass," she muttered while placing her chin on your head.

"I know Hitch," you laughed as you wiped your tears.


"Sir, your wounds-" Carlos blurted.

"I know. They'll heal on their own," I stated while taking my shirt off as I looked in the mirror.

"No, they won't. Stitches don't heal on their own so please-"

"I'm fine Carlos. What did the officer say?" I asked while walking to grab a new shirt.

"He wants to meet with you...along with your father too. He called earlier today," Carlos stated.

"Block the number and I'll head to the station now," I blurted.

"Yes sir,"

I put the shirt on and headed down the steps to a car in the driveway. Not my favorite car but it works so I make do.

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