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You walked away to go join other people and mingle around for an hour as you avoided Eren at all cost. You'd hear a couple of whispers about what Eren said last week but you had yet to address it.

"Y/N? If we could borrow a moment of your time-"

"Sure, go ahead," you insisted as you waited for them to ask what you already knew was coming.

"We run a huge artist blog and we're wondering how you felt about what the artist Eren said about your artwork?" She asked as her co-workers stood with a notepad.

"To be honest I disagree heavily with what he said about my artwork, I find my art extremely original, moving, and overall appearing. On the other hand, if you're asking if I hate his artwork. No, I do not I think he captures color really well," you responded.

" Very well said, we'll be sure to publish this by the morning!" They expressed as they walked off again.

Eren suddenly approached from behind and walked to stand in front of you.

"I capture color really well, huh?" He teased with a slight smile.

"That's what I said isn't it?" You stated while taking a sip of water as you looked away.

"Historia is an ex-girlfriend of mine, not sure why she came," he informed.

"And you're telling me this now...because? You thought it would be better for me to be angry with you than just give me a simple answer?" You asked with a bit of a tense tone to it.

"Because I couldn't understand why you were annoyed until Carlos explained,"

"You have the brain size of a goldfish you incompetent fuck. What the hell would you get out of not telling me?! Unless you two are still together then that would explain it," you expressed.

"Will you allow me to apologize?"

"I will when you further develop your communication skills. You can't ignore me every time something doesn't go your way Eren,"


"And why are you acting like I mean anything to you anyway? You said it yourself that it was "bold of me to assume I meant more than what we established," you snapped.


"And what we have "established" is just sex isn't it? So why not keep it that way then asshole?!" You kept cutting him off and you saw him grow impatient as you rambled on.


"Oh and another-"

He grabbed your wrist tightly and pulled you out of the building, he was fed up with how many times you cut him off and it was pretty ironic.

"You just told me I need to work on my communication skills yet you won't let me speak," he explained as he led you down the cement steps into the cold air from outside.

"Let go of me!" You shouted as he stopped pulling you just by the sidewalk of the parking lot that was tucked away.

"The hell are you staring for? Just say what you have to say already!"

You can admit you were on edge so that was probably unnecessary but he wasn't saying anything which just got on your nerves even more.

"I'm sorry for lying to you," he blurted.


"Not telling you that Historia was my ex-girlfriend because I'm incompetent and have the brain of a goldfish,"


"And...I'm going to take you to get ice cream beforeipaintyou," he blurted as he said the last part quickly.

"Paint me?" You asked.

"Please?" He replied while walking back to his car.

"It won't be anything naked I just want to paint your face, I mean unless you want me to do a naked painting of you I'd totally be down for that," he suggested as you followed behind him.

"I'll think about it..." you muttered while Carlos waved at you.


"Hell no," you replied as you got in the backseat with him.

"The ice cream place on 46th ave Carlos," Eren instructed.

"You couldn't stay away from me for more than a day, just admit it. You're obsessed," you teased.

"Whatever you say," he brushed off your comment as Carlos drove.

"It's true," you muttered under your breath.

"Oh, it is? Then why don't we further our bet a bit?" He suggested.

"How so?"

"10 grand that you lose the bet by the end of the week," he informed.

"20 grand that you lose the bet by tonight," you teased.

"20 grand? And by tonight? You're pushin' your luck, huh?" He joked.

"Oh please you can't get enough of me," you insisted.

"I got 30 that Eren loses by the end of the week," Carlos blurted from the driver's seat.

"Carlos?!" Eren disapproved.

"See! Carlos is always right so you should just pay me now," you joked.

"You two are ridiculous. Do you have that little faith in me?!" He asked.

"Yes," you and Carlos said in sync.

He rolled his eyes and Carlos parked the car while the both of you got out. He opened the car door for you and you walked inside the ice cream shop with him.

You both ordered quickly and decided to walk along the strip and observe the greenery. You were pleased with how much control you had on him whether he'd admit it or not.

"You're walking too close to me, walk in a straight line," you demanded as he walked next to you.

He ignored you and started walking directly into you to take you off balance like him.

"Eren!" You shouted as you laughed at him.

"What painting were you and Zeke talking about?" He asked.

"He's buying one of my paintings. He's definitely the brother with better eyesight,"

"You are aware that he wears glasses and I don't, right?" He replied.

"So then you're just stupid? Is that what you're telling me?" You joked playfully as he nudged you.

You locked your ice cream while walking with him on the sidewalk and staring at some of the trees that were out.

He stopped walking for a moment and looked at you as you were laughing.

"You've got something on your shirt," he whispered.

He pointed on your chest and you looked down, you felt his hand move up to your chin as he pulled you in for a kiss and pressed his tongue against yours in which you kissed him back.

"You taste like strawberries," you blurted.

"Strawberry ice cream,"

"You owe me 20 grand!" You cheered with a big smile.

"I know,"

"Well if you knew then why'd you forfeit so easily idiot?" You asked.

"Because I wanted a kiss to redeem myself. Plus now the bets off and you're all mine tonight," he whispered in your ear.

"Not unless you push me on the swings."

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