the truth

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Hitch kept her promise of only limiting herself to three drinks so you didn't have to deal with any of her even more wild behavior.

You'd been playing at the pool table, you're absolute favorite while Hitch danced and drank at a paced rate. You were playing with a couple of people who walked by every now and then.

"Yoooo! There's some shit going on the outback," someone shouted from inside the club.

A group of people walked out the back door to go join in whatever was happening. You ignored it and made sure to check on Hitch every 5 minutes to make sure she hadn't wandered off.

Another 30 minutes had passed and you made sure you kept an eye on Hitch's drinking.

"You bitch!" You heard Hitch shout.

You immediately dropped the cue stick and rushed over to the bar. You saw Hitch shouting at some blonde woman and people from the bar moved around.

"Hitch? What's going on?" You asked as you approached her.

"This doesn't involve you!" The blonde woman snapped at you.

"This bitch spilled a drink on me and refuses to apologize. All I ask for is a damn apology!" She snapped.

The blonde woman grabbed Hitch's arm tightly as if she was going to do something, well at least that's the impression you got.

Without saying anything and the small crowd forming outside the bar to watch all of you, you swung your fist and punched her in the jaw.

She instantly let go of Hitch and stumbled back a bit while holding her face.

"No bar fights here!" The barista snapped.

"It's not a bar fight. She's stupid to put her hands on me and I've already made my point. We're leaving," you demanded as you grabbed Hitch's hand and pulled her out of the club.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Hitch asked as you pulled her through the crowd.

"I'm fine. Are you?"

"Your hand is bleeding-" she muttered as you stopped outside the club doors onto the sidewalk.

"Damn her head must be strong as fuck then. My hand is fine Hitch.

Suddenly there was a loud sound of engines, you turned your head and saw a purple sports car next to a red one.

"This must've been the thing they were talking about in the club...that the guy was talking about," she informed.

"Didn't you say Zeke said something about the illegal racing over here?" You asked.

"Oh my god, you're right! Let's go see if Erens over there!" She insisted.

She ignorantly ran across the street just as they were about to start driving. You chased after her while shouting.

"Don't do that again Hitch!" You snapped.

"Oh please! I'm just as curious as you are! I think they're about to start," She cheered.

You stood on the sidewalk and as watched the cars. The street lights shining a light on the still pitch place street. The sound of engines roaring with each second of anticipation.

Anticipation not only from the show was going to win but you were anticipating if it was Eren in the car or not. You'd only know until after they finished, Hitch squeezed your hand in excitement.

Both cars took off instantly, the lights were flashing in your eyes as they drove off and you kept your eyes on the silver rims of the car. You and Hitch waited to see who would win.

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