how it ended

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NOTE: if you don't know the Louvre Museum is famous in Paris which if your art is in it it's a pretty big deal for the artist!

Two Years Later.

"Eren?!" You shouted angrily as your heels tapped on the ground.

"Eren Jaeger! Where the hell are you?!" You snapped angrily.

"Miss.L/N last time I saw him he was hanging one of the paintings on the museum's orange wall," a worker instructed.

"Thank you. Start letting the guest in please," you instructed while you speed-walked to find him.

Just as she said he was in the orange room hanging up a painting in his suit. You caught up with him and hit him on the back.

"I called you like three times! We have a guest waiting-"

"Isn't it beautiful?" He interrupted as he stared at the painting.


You turned to look and saw that he hung your painting that was the first one he saw of yours two years ago, almost three. The first opinion he had on you came from this painting.

While you had thought this entire time he viewed it as "bland" this was his favorite painting of yours. He couldn't get enough of it.

"Eren. Why are you hanging this?" You asked as you stood next to each other.

"Because it deserves to be in our museum. I love it," he blurted.

"Aww! Still pissed that you didn't answer your phone though," you teased as you kissed him on the cheek.

"Now let's get. We have to go host the evening for the museum,"

"I like owning a museum together but I hate this part," he groaned as you dragged him out the room.

"Yeah yeah. Carlos says he hates opening the doors for everyone but he stills does it, so suck it up!" You demanded as you entered the open room.

Just as you were about to walk he grabbed your ass before walking off.

"Eren!" You turned and smacked his hand harshly.

"What? I didn't do anything," he blurted.

You scolded him and started to walk off again but he grabbed your hand without saying anything. He pulled you through the hall away from where you were supposed to be and out the back door.

He stopped outside in the cold air and he had a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" You asked urgently.

"You know when we went on that dinner date with Erwin? And he said he thought we were together because of how we were acting that night?" He asked.


"I knew. I don't know why I feel the need to tell you this but it's always the guy who knows and I knew," he replied.

"Knew what-"

"Erwin pulled me to the side that night and when you asked me what he said I replied with "nothing" but I lied. He told me to get my act together and admit how I felt about you because he knew you'd keep me on my toes. I love you and I want to be the only person for you," he informed randomly.

You stood in front of him, speechless almost. You didn't know what came over him or why he was feeling the need to tell you this but you appreciated the fact that he did.

You took a step forward and placed your arms around the back of his neck to pull him in for a kiss. That's all that really had to be said when it came to him.

"," Eren whispered while waving his hand back and forth.


Carlos handed Eren something and then ran off back into the museum quickly without saying anything. He held a big yellow envelope and handed it to you.

"Open it," he demanded with a smile on his face.

You furrowed your eyebrows and opened the envelope slowly and pulled out a sheet of paper. The paper had images of your artwork but they were in a background you'd never seen before.

"What's this...?" You asked.

"2 years ago in May, I bought every single one of your paintings. You probably thought it was just me being extra but I actually sent them to Paris. They had to go through a lengthy process of getting accepted but your paintings are now in the Louvre did it, baby," he informed softly.

"Oh my god..." your eyes widened as they shifted to the images and you were filled with joy.

If a man wants to, he will.  And Eren certainly wanted to, all for you.

There was a huge smile across your face as you were in purse shock and wrapped your arms around him tightly.

"I love you so much," you blurted in his ear.

"I love you more baby. And there's one more thing," he blurted.

He grabbed your hand and led you around the back of the building. He brought you out to the front where the city lights shined brightly along the slightly wet cobblestone sidewalk.

He stopped in front of a black limo and Carlos stood with the door open in a black suit and driver's hat.

"Tickets for two," Eren informed as he held two tickets to Paris in his hand.

You instantly kissed him and felt him smile through the kiss as he held your waist tightly. You couldn't have asked for a better life partner.

The door to the limo may have opened but Eren opened an entire new chapter of your life for you.

And just like that, it was the end of the beginning....

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